Chapter 1: School full of rich pricks

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"Hurry up you stupid little shit, we're going to be late!"

"Would you shut up? I'm coming, jeez!" I yelled back at my idiot brother.

I swear, the first day of school is always like this. Utter and complete chaos. Especially between my brother and I both stuffing our suitcases into the car. It didn't really leave much place for us to sit for the two hour drive; and by us, I mean me.

My twin brother is the world's biggest pain in the ass. We weren't identical twins though, thank god. I would kill myself if I had to spend my entire existence with the same face as that shithead. He was only two minutes older than me, but acted like he owned me.

Stupid fucking brilliant Jason Hawthorne. He was probably the first or second most admired guy in the school. Of course he had top notch grades, played three different sports, and according to every girl at school, he was extremely good looking. I've spent my entire life in his shadow and I am so done with it. Senior year is going to be different.

By the time I managed to lug my heavy suitcase outside, Jason had already claimed the free seat at the back without any bags on it. Asshole.

"Luke honey, put your bags in the trunk!" My mom yelled, as she rifled through her purse searching for something.

Grumbling to myself, I stuffed it in the best I could and slammed the door shut. Something was definitely going to fall out once we opened it, but oh well.

My dad got into the driver's seat and we were off. Thus began the two-hour journey to Hailsmith Academy. Supposedly, one of the best boarding schools in the country. But to me, it was just a school full of rich pricks.

I'd never really wanted to go there, but it was a dream of my parents for my brother and I to go. They had that typical cute love story. They met at Hailsmith, got together junior year and have been madly in love ever since.

My mom had also grown up poor. She had attended Hailsmith on a scholarship, which is why she constantly used to berate me about how I should be grateful to be able to go to such a great school. Great school, my white ass.

Obviously, my brother loved every minute of it. He had also been named head prefect this year. He even had that stupid golden badge pinned to his perfectly ironed uniform.

To be honest, the uniform wasn't half that bad. It was that of a typical cliche private school uniform. A deep blue blazer, a grey sweater, a black tie and dark blue pants. It was oddly comfy though.

Jason fell asleep about thirty minutes in, but I didn't dare sleep a wink. Sophomore year, I fell asleep in the car and walked into orientation with a giant moustache drawn on my face and the word dickhead written on my forehead. Never again.

Despite how I felt about it, I couldn't help but smile as we drove in through the large iron gates into campus. I absolutely loved the campus. It was like a modern day castle; the look that a lot of large university campuses had, like Cornell maybe. It also had a slight Hogwarts tinge to it.

It looked the most beautiful in autumn, with the red, brown and yellow leaves covering the grounds. The campus was also located on a slight hilltop, about fifteen minutes away from the major towns and cities. The coffee here was to die for. I was a certified caffeine addict after tasting it.

We pulled into the parking lot and got out to go to orientation. The minute we reached the oak doors, my brother was greeted by a flock of people; his friends and admirers, all happy to see him. I rolled my eyes. I just couldn't wait to see Jackie again.

"You go ahead and save us a seat sweetie, I want to talk to Mrs. Peterson for a minute." My mom told me, as she and my dad walked off.

I made my way towards the hall, and I finally managed to spot my friends. I grinned.

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