Chapter 4: Secret

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I woke up at the same time the next morning, with my usual routine of dousing Spencer with water and dragging him out of bed. I literally has to force him to come downstairs, putting an apple and a sandwich on his plate in the cafeteria so he would eat.

"Jeez, what's wrong with him?" Allison asked. I shrugged. "I don't know. Mondays I guess."

"Oh yeah, by the way Luke, I've been meaning to ask what happened to you at the party the other night? You disappeared."

"You came to the party?" Spencer spoke up, finally looking a little more awake.

"Yeah. I tried to do like you advised and talk to Jason about my dilemma."

"I gave you advice?" Spencer asked in confusion again. Allison rolled her eyes. "What happened then?" She asked me.

"Nothing. He acted like an asshole and refused to help."

"What a dick."


Still, I couldn't help but think about what Evans had said at that party. Was he really going to train me? There was no way he meant it. He must have just said it out of drunken pity.

We finished breakfast and went to our respective classes. Chemistry with Spencer as my partner was an absolute nightmare. He almost spilled hydrochloric acid all over my feet. Mrs. Peterson was not pleased.

After sitting through another boring period of history and flunking art again, I made my way back to the cafeteria for lunch. I was simply walking down the hallway, when out of nowhere, someone grabbed my arm.

I looked up in annoyance, to find that it was none other than Mr. hotshot Jeremiah Evans. Before I could even open my mouth to retort, he spoke.

"Tomorrow morning practice at five am. Don't be late." Then before I could protest, he turned around and walked away.

No way this guy was for real. Was he actually going through with this? I genuinely did not even expect for him to remember my face at all. Huh.

The rest of the day passed by normally, and soon enough it was time for me to go to bed. I had to sleep a little early today thanks to stupid lacrosse training at dawn. Thanks a lot Evans. 

It was nearly impossible to wake up the next morning. I snoozed my alarm seven times before finally waking up. Of course, Spencer hadn't even roused. One of the few good times that having a heavy sleeper for a roommate was useful.

I got ready as fast as I could, running onto the lacrosse field at five fifteen. Evans was already there, throwing the ball around.

"You're late."


"Don't be late." He spoke simply, his face completely expressionless. I'll never understand how this guy spoke with no emotion all the time.

We walked onto the center of the field, and he started telling me how the game worked.

"There are ten players in each team. It consists of a goal keeper, and three defenders, attackers and mid fielders. The game is divided into four quarters of twenty minutes each. There are two types of sticks- short and long."

Once he finished explaining the rules of the game, he taught me how to hold a stick. I tried to follow his instructions the best I could.

"Never hold the stick near the ground or below your waist. Always remain attentive."

He tried to correct my stance, since I couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong. He stood behind me, putting his hands on my hips. I involuntarily sucked in a breath as he did so, his face weirdly close to my neck. Then he touched my shoulders to move them as well.

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