Chapter 2: Just your name

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I was rudely awoken by my alarm the next morning, blaring that god awful traumatizing song at six thirty a.m. I groaned as I threw the covers off me and sat up, shutting down the alarm and rubbing my eyes. I am definitely not a morning person.

Of course, Spencer hadn't even flinched. I swear, the guy could sleep through a bomb explosion if he wanted to. I groggily went to the bathroom, filled a cup with water, and threw it in his face.

That seemed to make him stir a little as he grumbled, covering his face with his pillow. Strangely enough, water was good at waking him up.

"I forgot how annoying it is being roommates with you."

"Yeah yeah. Just make sure you're up by the time I'm out of the shower. 

"I fucking hate you.

"You love me, shut up.

I rolled my eyes and went into the bathroom to freshen up. I took a hot shower that felt really nice, and fixed up my hair from looking like angry octopus tentacles. Once I was done, I walked out to see that unsurprisingly, Spencer was snoring away on his bed again. This time, I pulled the covers out from under him, and he fell flat on the floor.


The rest of the morning went by uneventfully.

The first day of school was it's usual snooze fest. My first class of the day was chemistry, which frankly made me want to kill myself. After a small break, it was history. It was also a class that I shared with my stupid brother, so that did not make it better.

The last class before lunch was art, but I cannot paint for the life of me. I just ended up making a huge mess on the canvas and got paint all over my clothes. Well, that would be fun to wash out.

Finally the bell rang for lunch. I made a beeline for the cafeteria, grabbing my food before the crowd came in. I went out into the courtyard, at the table where we usually sat. As always, Allison was the first one there.

She smiled at me as I sat down. "Hey Luke."

"Hey Ally. How was your morning?."

"I had double period biology. I loved it."

I laughed and rolled my eyes. Typical Allison. She was definitely the smartest one out of all of us. She wanted to pursue a medical degree next year and become a doctor. If anyone could do it, it was her.

"I'm guessing you had art?"

I raised my eyebrows at her.

"You have yellow paint on your collar."

"Oh. Yeah." I replied, looking down at my messy clothes. I'd almost forgotten about that.

We talked for a few more minutes until Spencer and Christian came over. After them, followed Jackie.

She sat down next to me on the bench, giving me a kiss on the cheek as she did so. I felt myself involuntarily blushing.



"Wow. Get a room you two." Spencer joked. I threw an apple slice at him. The idiot just picked it off his tray and put it in his mouth.

The other three started talking about something as I turned to face Jackie again. "I missed you."

She laughed. "You saw me at breakfast, silly."

"That was like four hours ago. Way too long."

She smacked me on the shoulder and started to eat her salad. She moved her hair out of the way as she did so, her golden hair gleaming in the sunlight. Her green eyes almost looked like a forest I could get lost in. God, she was beautiful.

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