Chapter 3: Lacrosse team

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About a week of school had passed so far, and it was already hectic. After maybe one day of mercy, all the teachers had started to come down on us with loads of crap to do.

Which is why I was glad it's Saturday.

Besides some math homework to complete and visiting the guidance counsellor in the afternoon, I didn't have much to do. I finished my homework in the morning, and had lunch with my friends in the courtyard. After that, it was finally time to hang out with Jackie.

I made my way to the music room, which is where we usually hung out. No one normally went in there, except for classes and the band to practice in the evenings. So it was totally free.

I got there first and sat on one of the stools amongst the instruments. However, my eyes caught on this light blue guitar in the corner of the room.

I got up to get a closer look. It was a beautiful acoustic guitar, with tiny intricate drawings around the circumference of the sound hole. The strings were of the normal metal, and the entire guitar was made of a smooth wood, which was incredibly light to pick up. Amazing.

"You would look good playing that."

I whipped my head around, to see Jackie standing in the doorway, smiling at me. I relaxed as I put the guitar down, making my way over to her.

I grinned as I wrapped my arms around her, looking down into her eyes.



I brought my lips against hers and she pulled herself closer to me, her arms snaking around my waist. I smiled as I stopped, taking her hand and leading her to the back of the room where we could sit.

We simply talked for the next hour or so, and it was super fun. We laughed about the silliest of things, teasing each other and then making out. Teasing each other and then making out again. It was the best hour I'd had in the week since I'd been here.

Unfortunately, soon enough it was time for me to meet the guidance counsellor. I dropped Jackie off in front of the girls housing and went to the counsellor's office. I slowly knocked on the wooden door before walking inside.

"Ah, Mr. Hawthorne. Please, come in." The lady spoke. I sat down in front of her desk, waiting for her to speak.

"Well Luke, as I'm sure you know, all senior year students must undergo counselling to help them through the college decision making process in the final year. I of course, will be in charge of such. You can simply call me Alice."

She took out a file from her drawer, opening it up and reading through the papers inside it.

"From what I've seen of your transcript, I think you have nearly all the qualifications to make it into a very good university. However, it's not quite up to the mark yet."

"Really? Why?"

"Well, colleges are always on the lookout for well rounded students. While you do possess good grades and a few extra curriculars, you don't have anything on your resume to show that you stand out. Things such as writing and music is very common. I see you've dabbled in theatre as well. Perhaps, you should consider something more along the physical track? Such as a sport? Colleges are always on the lookout for people who can work outside their comfort zones."

Sports? The one thing I can't do.

"Um, I'm not really good at those."

"Have you tried them all?"

"I pretty much can't do any of them."

Alice sighed. "Normally Luke, for someone in your place, I would recommend something such as running for student elections to demonstrate leadership capabilities. However, and forgive me if I seem apprehensive, these things tend to be a popularity contest. Additionally, I'm afraid you do not interact with the student body much."

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