Chapter 6: Muscle memory

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The teachers were starting to drive me crazy.

People always tend to warn you by saying things like "Trust me, senior year is extremely hard to handle" or "You're going to die in senior year". However, you never truly believe these things until it happens to you.

The extreme extent of the workload had pilled in a matter of two weeks. Two freaking weeks. They weren't kidding about the intensity of private schools either. I could already feel the anxiety creeping up from the back of my mind, after being suppressed all summer.

Not to mention, waking up so early for lacrosse practice after staying up late to complete assignments, was not good for my health. I was in dire need of sleep.

I almost fell asleep on the table at breakfast, jarring myself awake only when Christian snapped his fingers in front of my face.

"Jeez dude, how much sleep did you get?"

"I don't even know anymore."

"He was up all night studying." Spencer interjected. "I have no idea how he does it."

"Maybe if you actually tried, you could study and get good grades too." Allison spoke up. Spencer rolled his eyes. "It's been two fucking weeks. I ain't mentally prepared for this shit yet."

"Forget it. This asshole studies everything at the last minute and still gets decent marks. It's pissing off." Christian spoke. Spencer smirked proudly when he said that.

We all finished eating breakfast and headed to our classes for the day. After drinking three cups of coffee, I somehow managed to get through the entire day without too much hassle. The minute the bell rang, I headed straight to my room without talking to anybody and collapsed on my bed.

I must have slept for at least two hours, because by the time I woke up, it was almost sunset. I groaned as I rubbed my eyes, taking in my surroundings. Spencer must be out, because I couldn't see him anywhere in the room. Grumbling to myself, I got up and started to revise my notes for a while, until I got a text from Jackie to come downstairs for dinner.

I grabbed my phone and jacket and walked out, closing the door behind me. As I was walking, my phone dinged with a message.

I know u got my text.

Practice tonight at 10 pm?

Ugh, this guy. I was just about to text him no, but then I thought about it for a second. Try outs were in less than a week, and I still sucked. If I wanted to stand a chance, I needed to practice a lot more. In addition, Jason was definitely not going to make it easy for me.


I reluctantly sent him the reply and went to have dinner with my friends. Once we were done eating, Allison retreated to her room to study, while Christian and Spencer decided to go to the gym. So, Jackie and I decided to just hang out in my room.

"You look really cute when your thinking."

I turned towards her in confusion. "What?"

"Yeah. You're face gets all scrunched up and intense. It's adorable."

I blushed. "Shut up."

"You shut up."

This went on for a while, until we randomly ended up wrestling each other on the bed. I laughed as I finally managed to pin her down, while she yelled curses at me and tried to kick me.

She stopped after a minute and looked up at me, her eyes on my lips. I took the hint and leaned in, bringing myself down to kiss her.

I nearly gasped as she pulled me by my shirt collar, kissing me even harder. Before I knew it, our bodies were intertwined, our tongues fighting for dominance as the kiss grew more heated.

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