new beginnings

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Nikita POV:

The old icy wind touched my face and I slowly got up. It's always so cold at this time. I woke up, showered and got dressed. I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled. I liked the way I dressed.

My stockings, on which I had my black skirt, along with a white full sleeves top. My long trench coat type jacket was hanging on my chair. I picked it up, ready to take with me. I braided my free flowing brownish black hair, which rested nicely until just blow my chest. I quickly put my kajal, nose ring and my subtle pink matte lipstick and got my shoes and headed out with my bag.

"Finally!!!!" Esha said.
"I'm sorry baba! It's just so cold!" I said as I took a cup of chai from her.
"You'll never get used to it then." She chuckled and I smiled too.
"Be home by 6, it's movie night today!" I said.
"I will. Love you!" Esha hugged me and left.
I cleaned the kitchen and made my way outside, locking the house.

It's been a year. A year since I left all that behind after what I heard. After we reached Indore, Baba got a job. He seemed happy. I wasn't. So, I came here, with Esha. I applied and I managed to get an internship at IBM, London. It was a 10 month internship. The minute I got the offer letter, I knew I'm going. It's way better than the companies I was offered in India. I wanted my career to grow. Aai Baba required some convincing, but with Rahul being just a train ride away and Esha being in the same city, it wasn't difficult.

Once I got here, Esha instantly told me to move in with her. My internship paid me a decent accommodation and living allowance, since I didn't need to worry about accommodation as Esha's company paid for hers, that money went into savings. It was a win-win. I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss him, but I knew he didn't and that made me move on more.... well, try to.

I reached my office. A wonderful office with amazing people. I'd made so many friends. The people were amazing and everything was so beautiful. Esha worked in Oracle, which was two streets away, so sometimes, we'd meet for lunch. Sid worked 3/4 streets away too, he'd join as well at times.

Esha and Sid hit it off. They were in a steady relationship now and I'm very happy for them. Luckily, Esha's house had 2 rooms, so I don't need to evidently third wheel whenever Sid came over, but nowadays, Esha goes to him. More privacy I guess!

I was at my desk when I got a call from Aai.
"Hi Aai, What's up?"
"Beta, we were wondering when you'll come back. It's been 10 months since we've seen you."
"Aai, you know this is an internship, not college. I can't just come na! I have to take a leave and come."
"I just, beta you're 25. Can we not take things seriously now?"
"Not this again Aai. I've told you. I'm not ready. When I'm ready, I'll get married."
"Do you want to talk to me about anything else?"
She sighed, "Okay, Anyway, How's your work?"
"Good. About to seal the deal!"
"Congratulations. Tell me one thing, if you get off the internship and they give you full time role, will you take it?"
"I have no reason not to. London is beauty. The city, the people and I'm sure the job must be beautiful as well."
"Yes but..."
"Don't worry. I'll consider everything before I make a decision. How's the home now?"
"It's good. Baba is loving his garden."

Upon insistence, I got Aai Baba to rent their house and move to a bungalow in Indore. At that age, having a huge villa is not safe and is tedious. We got a nice, cute bungalow next to Baba's new office and Aai was able to make a room in the bungalow as her office, for her consultation. Now, she could work from home. The house had 5 rooms, with one room as her office and one room for Aai Baba. The other rooms were kept as guest rooms for Aai's huge family. The kitchen was wonderful and so was the hall. It was much easier to maintain.

"How's your consulting?" I asked Aai.
"Back to back appointments. One client is late, so I got the time to call. I'm considering reducing my working hours."
I chuckled, "Do it, or take breaks in the middle. Instead of 9-5, make it 9-12 and then 2-5."
"I'll consider that. This gets tiring. Oh, the client is here. I'll have to go. Take care Nikku."
"Bye Aai, see you soon!" I cut the call and smiled.

This is life now. My career is growing. Aai Baba is happy. Rahul is happy. Everyone's happy. I am as well.... almost.

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