11. Brotherfucker

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"Please, Your Grace, we're hungry."

" Freak."

"Get the Prince back to the Keep now." Tyrion instructed.

"Yes, my lord. Come, quickly." He grabbed Tommen leading him back.

"Please, Your Grace, give us some food!"

"Bread, Your Grace, please!"

Tate rummaged through his pockets holding out a coin to a little girl that reminded him of Arya when she was little. She clutched the coin like it was gold close to her chest. She thanked him running off to show her mother with great pride. 

Joffrey ignored them, until he was hit in the face with a mudball. He groaned and doubles over. Sandor and the other Kingsguard draw their swords to defend the king.

"Who threw that? I want the man who threw that. Find who did that and bring him to me!"

Tate drew a hand over his tired face. He yawned out looking to Tommen being rushed off before he looked to a panicked Cersei at Joffrey screaming to kill them all. 

"Tear him to pieces!"

" What are you doing? I want these people executed!" Joffrey demanded as Sandor grabbed him.

"And they want the same for you.' Sandor warned. 

Tate watched as chaos ensued around him, he stood completely still in the madness. This was great. A knight bumped into him and he tugged at his coin pouch, grabbed a dagger from another, another he could pry off the knights he did. They were none the wiser. 

" Motherfucker! Brotherfucker!"

"Sansa." Tate reached out for her and she clung to him. 

"I'm scared." She whimpered. 

"I got you. Come on... lets get some food." Tate suggested. 

"What?" Sansa whimpered. 

"Slight of hand, I will teach you." Tate informed her nonchalantly. 

"Traitors! I'll have all their heads."

"Oh, you blind, bloody fool!" Tyrion declared.

"You can't insult me." Joffrey scoffed.

"We've had vicious kings and we've had idiot kings, but I don't know if we've ever been cursed with a vicious idiot for a king." Tyrion agreed.

"You can't-" Joffrey whined.

"I can, I am." Tyrion corrected.

"They attacked me!"

"They threw a cow pie at you, so you decided to kill them all? They're starving, you fool! All because of a war you started." Tyrion demanded.

"You're talking to a king!" Joffrey shouted as Tyrion slapped him.

"And now I've struck a king. Did my hand fall from my wrist? Where is the Stark girl?"

" Let them have her!"

"Where is Tatum?" Cersei countered. 

"Making an escape." Sandor chuckled. 

"You are going to be out of supplies." Tate remarked.

"I'm going to be rich!" The man corrected looking at the

"eat up! You have the Tully's and Starks to thank for this lovely meal!" Tate declared. The crowd cheered out stuffing their faces with as much food as Tate could buy them with his stolen goods. Sansa shivered into him when Sandor found them. 

"You didnt run."

"And go where? We would be fugitivities, that is not a life for a lady like sansa." Tate assured. 

"You are an idiot." 

"I made a lot of friends." Tate corrected. "You ready to go back sansa?" She nodded eager to escape the people that had shouted to tear them apart not too long ago. "Lead the way Clegane."

Cersei was shocked to see Tate back in the keep, she wasnt shocked that he had his usual cocky smile however.

Tate walked right up to Cersei, she tried to keep her face emotionless. 

The smirk grew. 

"You worried about me?"

"I was hoping Clegane would have brought back your head to add to the wall." Cersei countered turning on her hell. 

"Which head? I know you are eager to see the other." Tate called after her. She couldnt shoot him a glare because his words flustered her so much that she wasnt sure if she was blushing and she would not give him that satisfaction of making her blush. 


"Sansa. Do get up darling." Tate remarked coming into the throne room. "A lady should never be on her knees. Not in front of this many people." Tate tsked pulling sansa behind him. "Whats going on? Seems like a party in here."

"On your knees boy. They will hear you scream too." Joffrey decided

"Yes pick on someone your own size..." tate chuckled. "Oh wait." Tate loomed over joffrey.

"Ser meryn." Joffrey commanded and meryn struck tate bringing him to one knee. Tate smirked as meryn hit him again.

"Why are you smiling? Why is he smiling!" Joffrey demanded while sansa watched horrified.

"Oh meryn you hit like... well you so I suppose I shouldn't be surprised." Tate laughed out.

"Hound". Joffrey commanded. "Show meryn how a proper beating is done."

"Oh sandor! My good pal sandor! Its okay buddy I wont hold it against you. Just doing your duty. Do leave my face pretty. And I do need my teeth. Can you imagine me with a lisp? Heavens." Tate declared.

"Shut him up and put sansa back on her knees."

"Well that's not necessary. I like the attention all on me. Lets keep it here. Sansa should just go". Tate corrected. She whimpered as she was shoved to her knees again. "No no sansa. Up you get. Go get a maester for me how about? From whatever sandor is being forced to do."

"Whats going on?" Tyrion demanded.

"Tyrion!" Tate declared fondly he rose up past the pain in his back from the lashes from meryn and kept his charming smile. Never let them see you flinch. They would use every bit of weakness they saw.

"Whats the meaning of this?"

"Your nephew likes tormenting little girls." Tate answered. "And meryn is all to happy to beat them for him."

"And yourself?" Tyrion looked at his torn shirt

"Im a casualty of joffreys lack of manors and education." Tate answered. 

"Then maybe I educate him." Tyrion muttered. Tate moved to sansa and tyrion saw the blood better on tates back.

"Im going to tend to sansa. Thank you for handling this tyrion." Tate agreed. He didn't wait for permission he left quickly.

"You are hurt."

'Im fine." Tate assured

"You're hurt." Sansa corrected

"Im fine"

"Uncle tate!"

"Im fine!" Tate assured.

"You are bleeding."

"I already asked for a bath to be made. I will clean myself up and look a lot better. Im just glad I came when I did. I was looking for you."

"Im glad you were there too." sansa agreed softly. 

Use Me / Cersei Lannister x OC MaleWhere stories live. Discover now