2. Naked

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How the fuck was Tate supposed to keep that secret? He wasnt. That was the answer. He wasnt going to be able to keep that secret.

Way to unload your shit before you are brought before the slaughter, Tate thought as he was led back to his chambers.

"You stole my ale." Sandor grumbled.

"Sorry." Tate whispered.

"Not so talkative anymore." Sandor noted.

"I... can't tell you." Tate agreed.

"Can't tell me what?" Sandor countered.

"That Ned's bastard is.... ohhhhh." Tate's tongue gagged out and his shoulders scrunched up to his ears as he made a noise that surely wasnt human.

"What's the matter with you?" Sandor questioned.

"Stop asking me questions!" Tate demanded running back to his chambers and slamming the door shut. "I'm going to explode, its been five minutes and I'm going to explode."

Cersei visited him the next morning and Tate was still in bed. She pushed open his door and made her way in.

"You are making a habit of barging in on me. I could have been naked." Tate remarked sitting up in bed. Cerseis eyes grazed over his shirtless chest. "Or maybe I am." Her gaze shifted to the sheets bunched up at his waist.

"I left parchment and ink for you to write your letter last night," cersei countered looking up to his blue eyes once more.

"You did." Tate agreed, hands clasped in his lap he smirked back at her.

"Where is it?"

"Right where you left it. I was so tired after my talk with Ned." And the fact that he told me such secrets that would blow your fucking mind. "And I went to bed. Had the most wonderful dreams." Definitely not dreams of Jon with silver hair. "Lets see if I can remember-" Tate got up and cerseis gaze stuck to his ass.

"You are naked." She stated. He turned to face her and her face turned down quickly.

"I did warn you i might be," tate agreed. He strut to his clothes tugging on his pants. He caught cerseis gaze shift up to his as he did so. He moved to the table next pouring some water and taking a long sip. "Where was I? Oh yes the dream. I dreamt of you Cersei."

"Me?" She watched the way his muscles moved.

"Naked a top me." Tate agreed. Cersei seemed to be thinking that through to thoroughly before she scoffed half heartedly. "Can I see my nieces now? Get some proper food. I just dont have the energy to write ravens this morning." He stretched his arms out above him and she watched the way his muscles flexed. She couldnt pull her eyes away. "You want to make my dreams come to life... your grace?"

"Get dressed."

"Am I distracting you?"

"Get dressed." Cersei repeated before marching off.

"Sansa!" Tate held her close as she sobbed into him.

"Uncle Tatum Im so scared." She whimpered.

"Im here now sweet girl." Tate assured. "Where is Arya?"

"I dont know I havent seen her since..."

"Since your father."

"Yes." Sansa sobbed out. "I went before joffrey and begged for mercy."

"Oh sweet girl of course you did." Tate agreed.

"I wrote to mother and robb and -"

"What did you tell them Sansa?"

"The q-queen told me w-what to say." Sansa stuttered out between choked breaths.

"Of course she did." Tate agreed. His eyes scanned the room as he let out a shallow breath.

"Uncle tatum is father going to be alright?"

"I dont know. We just have to keep praying, Sansa-"

"Times up." Meryn barked

"I will see you soon." Tate assured kissing her forehead.

"I love you." She held tight to him refusing to let him go.

"I love you too sweetie."

"Move it!"

Tate was walked back to his chambers but the guard beside him was not fond of his constant chatter.

"Do you ever shut up?" Ser rumlow shouted.

"No. Not really. My mother claimed I came out of the womb a chatter bug. Just talk, talk, talking up a storm." Tate corrected.

"I know how to shut you up." He pulled for his blade and tate smiled.

"You would kill me in front of the queen?" Tate questioned calmly. The knight hesitated glancing around. Tate took his moment of confusion to gain control of the situation and grab the sword. He rammed the hilt of the blade into the mans temple and then shoved him into the wall banging his head three times until Ser Rumlow dropped.

"Sorry did I say queen?" Tate mused as he dragged him into the nearest room for storage of incapacitated knights. "I mean you think you can kill me? Im a tully. I slip right through your hands."

So off he went a new spring in his step at his temporary freedom. He had to find arya.

"Lord Tatum."

Oh fuck.

Use Me / Cersei Lannister x OC MaleWhere stories live. Discover now