26. Trust Me

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"Im what?"

"He told me of your parentage." Tate agreed. "He was uncle ned. Im still the best uncle though-"

"Uncle tate!"

"Lyanna. Rhaegar. Your parents. Your birthright."


"Dont bend the knee."

"I already did."

"Unbend it then." Tate tapped his calve. "Rise up and claim this."

"I cant. I swore-"

"Fuck that bitch. She conquered and killed. Conquering some more and killed the people that got in her way. You want that person as a ruler-"

"As if cersei is any better?"

"What part of you are heir did you not hear?"

"All of it." Jon admitted as cersei came down the path.

"Think about what i said." Tate begged.

"Where are you-" jon watched as he moved to cerseis side. Cersei kissed the baby fondly before agreeing to send her troops north.

Tate pulled jon aside again.

"Dont trust her word."

"Shes the mother?"

"Dont trust either of them to keep their word." Tate glanced to daenerys.

"Are you coming back? To winterfell?"

"I cant leave my son. I cant bring my kid to winterfell." Tate corrected. "Its not safe." Jon nodded. "Forgive me kid... you can punish me when you are king."

"I will have you thrown in the stocks for disobedience." Jon agreed.

"What a waste of good food." Tate countered a smile curved his lips. "I will see you again Jon. You and sansa and arya and bran. I will see you all again. Trust that."

"What are you doing?"

"Preparing the expedition north." Jaime answered.

"Expedition north? I always knew you were the stupidest Lannister." Cersei drawled. "The Starks and Targaryens have united against us, and you want to fight alongside them? Are you a traitor or an idiot?" Cersei seethed.

"You pledged our forces to fight our common enemy."

Tate laughed as he threw TJ up into the sky.

" I'll say whatever I need to say to ensure the survival of our house. You expect me to trust the man who murdered our father? ? You expect me to command our troops to fight beside foreign scum, to fight for the Dragon Queen?"

"Im surprised you called her a queen." Tare countered. "I I know you said it with mock sarcasm, but still, you said it."

"You saw it with your own eyes. You saw a dead man trying to kill us." Jaime corrected

" And I saw it burn. If dragons can't stop them, if Dothraki and Unsullied and Northmen can't stop them, how will our armies make a difference?"

"They wont. Jon knows it speaking of which we need to talk." Tate added. He was dreading that conversation. "Ohh stinky booty. Tj stinky stinky stinky." Tate hummed to himself as he cleaned up tj. Cersei smiled back at them while barking at jaime. She was an excellent multitasker.

"The Golden Company is not here. They're in Essos. How is a mercenary company in Essos going to help us?" Jaime questioned

"Do you really think Euron Greyjoy turned tail and sailed back to the Iron Islands? Do you think he abandoned the chance to woo the queen?"

" I'm sorry what who we didn't consult on this ." Tate cut in.

"No one walks away from me." Cersei went on

" I did ."

" and look how well that turned out for you ." She agreed. Tate grumbled fixing little tjs pants. "He's sailing with his fleet to Essos, he's going to ferry the Golden Company back here to help us win the war for Westeros." Cersei informed him

"You plotted with Euron Greyjoy without telling me, the commander of your armies?"

" who died and made you, King Lannister?" Tate countered " she doesn't need your permission."

" I am the commander."

" and one-handed." Tate agreed. " are we stating facts?"

"you conspired with Tyrion, the man who murdered our father without telling me, your queen." Cersei added.

"I didn't conspire with him" jaime objected.

" so are you going to marry him? Greyjoy? Because I don't want that creep anywhere near my son." Tate remarked when jaime left.

" I would never." Cersei assured. " I prefer you and my bed too much."

" stop using me and tell me the truth... what's going on?"

" but you love to be used." Cersei purred.

" I have a confession to make, but I need you to promise me that you're not going to marry that man because he's awful and you can pretend that you're going to give him the world and tell him pretty little lies, but please tell me the truth."

" you said you need to tell me something." she recalled.

" my nephew, Jon Snow I suppose he isn't my nephew because he's not my sister bastard, but her husband's bastard but he really actually isn't a bastard at all." Tate realized. " but I've always treated him like family. He's a really good lad."

" if you're trying to slow me to epiphany, let's just jump right to it." Cersei instructed

"Jon snow isnt a snow. He is the last living son of Rhaegar Targaryen and lyanna stark."


"Ned told me before he died."

" and you waited until now to tell me?" She demanded.

" you didn't tell me that you were pregnant with my son. We both made mistakes let's get over it."


" he's a good man and he wouldn't hurt you or the baby."

" and the queen he bent the knee for?"

" I don't know about her, and I don't trust her."

" he likes her and therefore he cannot be trusted." Cersei corrected. " if he bent the knee... maybe."

" But you trust me."

Use Me / Cersei Lannister x OC MaleWhere stories live. Discover now