15. I'm A Liar

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" I, Joffrey of the House Baratheon, first of my name, the rightful King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm, do hereby proclaim my grandfather, Tywin Lannister, the savior of the city and the Hand of the King." Joffrey declared.

Bowing, a page presented a pillow to Joffrey, who placed the Hand's brooch up to Tywin, Tywin bowed.

"Thank you, Your Grace." He agreed before turning to leave. Joffrey cleared his throat looking to Petyr next.

"For your good service and ingenuity in uniting the Houses of Lannister and Tyrell, I declare that you shall be granted the castle of Harrenhal with all its attendant lands and incomes to be held by your sons and grandsons from this day until the end of time."

" You honor me beyond words, Your Grace. I shall have to acquire some sons and grandsons." Petyr agreed

"Like thats ever going to happen, Petyr." Tate called out. Cersei studied him carefully from her stop beside the throne. "Hey, dont look so glum, maybe this is the beginning of something great."

"You got hurt, Uncle Tate." Sansa corrected.

"What is life without scars?" Tate countered. She looked at the stitches peaking out of his tunic sleeve, he tugged on his sleeve hiding it from her. She couldnt see the scars on his legs from previous battles or this one. He liked when she thought her uncle invincible.

"With all my heart, Your Grace. I have come to love you from afar. Tales of your courage and wisdom have never been far from my ears. And those tales have taken root deep inside of me." Margaery agreed.

"Who's this actress?" Tate questioned pulling his gaze back to the show before them.

"Lady Margaery Tyrell." Sansa said sweetly.

"I, too, have heard tales of your beauty and grace, but the tales do not do you justice, my lady. It would be an honor to return your love, but I am promised to another. A king must keep his word." Joffrey countered.

"Keep his word...." Tate repeated. "Oh... since when?"

"Uncle Tate please be quiet."

"Not my strong suit." Tate sighed. "But I will try." a second passed. "And I will fail."

"Your Grace, in the judgment of your Small Council, it would be neither proper nor wise for you to wed the daughter of a man beheaded for treason, a girl whose brother is in open rebellion against the throne as we speak. For the good of the realm, your councilors beg you to set Sansa Stark aside." Cersei countered.

"Margaery! We want Margaery!" The crowd declared.

"WOw that must hurt, they want margaery." tate tsked.

"I want joffrey to have margaery." Sansa assured.

"I would like to heed your wishes and the wishes of my people, but I took a holy vow." Joffrey corrected.

"Where was this version of joffrey when we needed him?" Tate questioned.

" Your Grace, the gods do indeed hold betrothal solemn, but your father, blessed be his memory, made this pact before the Starks revealed their falseness. I have consulted with the High Septon and he assures me that their crimes against the realm free you from any promise you have made to them in the sight of the gods." Pycelle remarked.

"The gods are good. I am free to heed my heart. Ser Loras, I will gladly wed your sweet sister. You will be my queen and I will love you from this day until my last day."

"You know what I hear right?" Tate questioned.

"Freedom." Sansa breathed back.

"Actually, I hear ringing in my ears, i was hit pretty hard the other day." Tate corrected.

"Oh uncle Tate," Sansa cooed.

"My lady. My sincerest condolences." Petyr remarked coming up to them, he shook Tate's hand.

"They're right. I'm not good enough for him." Sansa assured.

"You shouldn't say that. You'll be good enough for many things. He'll still enjoy beating you. And now that you're a woman, he'll be able to enjoy you in other ways as well." Petyr corrected.

"But, if he's not marrying me-" Sansa whimpered

"Petyr dont scare her." Tate begged.

"He'll let you go home?" Petyr countered. "You can't honestly say you told her she was safe now?" Petyr clucked his tongue. "Tate, Joffrey's not the sort of boy who gives away his toys."

"Give, take, steal," Tate shrugged. Petyr shook his head looking back to a nervous sansa.

" You have a tender heart, just like your mother did at your age. I can see so much of her in you. She was like a sister to me. For her sake, I'll help get you home."

"King's Landing is my home now." Sansa corrected, her breath heavy in her lungs.

"Look around you. We're all liars here. And every one of us is better than you."

"I dont know, I might be in that good liars category, I have secrets and... oh my- I'm a liar. I know nothing."

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