Chapter 11

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I stared out one of our windows and down at the street. Highrises stood tall and cars zipped through the roads. Living in New York City could be a little lonely sometimes. I was just a single face amongst millions of people. The sights and sounds used to be energising, but sometimes my world felt a little small. Especially when I was pregnant and alone in an apartment.

New York City used to thrill me. It truly was the city that never slept. I'd be out, doing God knows what everyday. There was so much to do and so many places to see. But being 27 weeks pregnant easily put a stop to that. All my friends and family were on the West-Coast, and I realised the people that were in my life in New York were only temporary. Hazel was down in D.C., but that was still four hours away.

As I traced the outline of skyscrapers with my eyes, I caressed my baby bump absentmindedly. It had become a habit by now, a second nature. The world was so big, I was so small, and Meerkat was even smaller, and I wanted her to feel like she could take anything on.

Finally, the sound of a key turning in a lock echoed through the apartment. My heart pounded in my chest as I turned around and rushed to the door. Once the door swung open, there he was. Jack. He had a tired but joyful smile, his eyes meeting mine with a depth of emotion that words couldn't describe.

"Hey, you," he greeted, his voice a familiar melody.

Without uttering a word, I threw my arms around him, embracing him as if I hadn't seen him in months. In reality, it had only been just under two weeks. The reality of having him back washed over me like a soothing wave.

"I missed you," he whispered against my hair, his arms holding me close.

"I missed you more than words can say," I replied, tightening my grip as if afraid he might vanish if I let go.

Before I knew it, tears were slipping down my cheeks. I sniffled, burying my face in the crook of his neck. I didn't know where the tears were coming from, but it felt so good to release them.

Jack attempted to pull away, but I held on for a little longer. "Hey, what's wrong?"

"Nothing," I shook my head, trying to brush away the tears with a self-conscious laugh. "I'm just happy you're back."

"Jace..." he cupped my face and wiped away a few of the tears with his thumb.

His touch was so gentle, the concern in his eyes mirroring the love that had sustained us for five years now. I leaned into his hand, appreciating the warmth and reassurance it offered.

"It's just been quiet without you," I admitted.

I let him study my face. His eyes trailed up my tear-stained cheeks and searched my eyes. I knew he was worried. He had every right to be. I had my low moments, after all, and those low moments were never fun. Now with Meerkat growing inside me, there was only more reason to be worried.

"What's on your mind?" he softly asked, giving me the time to collect my thoughts.

I breathed out heavily. "New York City can be so big sometimes."

He frowned, uncertainties running behind his concerned eyes. "Do you want to go back to LA?"

He held my gaze with genuine concern, his thumb still gently wiping away the remaining tears on my cheeks. Even when it wasn't always obvious, Jack always knew when something was amiss. He always took care to ask about my thoughts and feelings and we always talked them through. It was a promise we had made two years earlier and had made sure to keep.

"No," I replied, shaking my head. "I think I'm just having a moment."

Jack looked like he wasn't sure whether to believe me or not. Which was yet another understandable thing. I'd neglected my own feelings before.

"Two days ago I couldn't have been more excited," I chuckled through the tears. "I honestly think it's just hormones."

"Okay..." he finally accepted, dropping his hand from my face and pushing us a step further into the apartment so he could kick the door shut. "But you tell me if these feelings don't go away."

I nodded and he pulled me into another embrace. The familiarity of his presence was just so soothing. It was as if primal instincts told me that everything was safe again. The dangers out in the vast world wouldn't be able to get me and Meerkat with Jack there to defend us.

"How's Meerkat doing?" Jack changed the topic, his hands slipping down to my abdomen.

"Good, I think," I looked down at the gentle touch. "She seems to love it when I play your music. Especially Alex's voice."

"How absolutely horrible."

"No," I laughed, appreciating his joking response, "she always liked our video calls the most."

"Did you miss me, Meerkat?" Jack cooed, his voice taking on a playful tone.

He bent down, his lips brushing against my belly, causing a small flutter from within. I chuckled, running my fingers through his hair. Seeing Jack interact with our unborn daughter would always cause happiness to surge through me.

He straightened up, his eyes meeting mine with a mixture of awe and love. "I can't wait to meet her, you know. Hold her in my arms."

"I'm sure she can't wait to meet you either," I smiled.

He leaned in and captured my lips with his own. There, right in front of our front door, our family was whole again. The vastness of New York City seemed to shrink, and it was just Jack and me, and the little life growing inside me, in our own cosy cocoon.

As we broke the kiss, Jack held me at arm's length, a newfound appreciation across his face. "You're beautiful, you know that, right?"

"You're biased," I teased with a roll of my eyes, and slowly started backing up into our apartment.

Jack chuckled, "Maybe a little. But I've never been more certain of anything in my life."

"Well, you're beautiful too," I complimented back both jokingly and with all seriousness.

He shook his head at me, but couldn't stop the large grin forming on his face.

The love in his eyes echoed the unspoken bond we'd built over the years. We'd weathered storms together, celebrated victories, and faced the uncertainties of life hand in hand. Now, with Meerkat on the way, our journey was about to take another beautiful turn.

Growing with J.A.C.I.E. (All Time Low Fanfiction | Jack Barakat)Where stories live. Discover now