Chapter 20

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The hospital room felt like a battleground. Every surge of pain was like yet another moment of combat, and I wasn't sure how much longer I was going to be able to take it. My dad was by my side the entire time, holding my hand through each contraction. The hours felt like an eternity, and the pain, relentless and unforgiving, had worn me down.

"I can't do this," I cried as yet another contraction started to subside, my hair glued to my forehead and my entire body already sticky with sweat.

His eyes reflected empathy – but I could swear there was concern behind them too – as he brushed the strands out of my face. "You're doing great, Jacie. Just take it one contraction at a time. You're stronger than you think."

"I can't," I sobbed as I shook my head, pushing it deep against the pillow.

"Just a little more, and it will all be worth it."

The exhaustion had taken its toll on my mind and body. Was 'almost there' even possible? His encouraging words didn't sound encouraging at all. They sounded like a sick joke. The prospect of enduring 'a little more' felt like an impossible mountain to climb. I didn't want to do it. I wanted to give up and surrender to the exhaustion darkening the edges of my vision.

Every fibre of my being wanted to retreat, to curl up and shut out the world. It was a primal instinct to simply stop hurting. A terrifying thought snuck its way into my mind – what if I couldn't take it anymore? Nausea washed over me, the room tilting sickeningly. Dark spots danced around my vision. Was this it? Was this the end? Panic clawed at me, choking back another scream.

Through my blurry eyes, I saw the door swing open. Through my blurry eyes, I saw the door swing open. But the figure wasn't wearing the lavender scrubs the nurses wore around here, nor were they wearing the signature white lab coat of a doctor. They were wearing all black, bags slung over their shoulders.

Another wave of pain slammed into me, so intense it knocked the breath from my lungs. I squeezed my eyes shut, unable to scream even if I wanted to. Instead, all that could come out was a painful groan. I gasped for air as soon as it subsided.

"Jacie," Jack said breathlessly, crossing the room in quick strides. He dropped his bags, and his focus shifted entirely to me.

Mixed in with my tears of pain were tears of happiness. Relief was rushing over me, but I was still so goddamn exhausted. With Jack here, all I wanted to do was sleep. The exhaustion was relentless, threatening to pull me under. His presence felt like a lifeline in the midst of the storm, but I wasn't sure how much longer I was willing to hold on – could hold on.

"I'm here, Jace," he said softly, his hand reaching for mine.

I weakly managed a smile through my tears. "Jack..."

He turned to my dad, who had been more than a steady support throughout the gruelling process. "Thank you for being here with her."

"I'm just glad you made it in time." My dad stood, offering his seat to Jack and giving him a reassuring nod. "I'll go grab some water."

As Jack settled into the chair beside the hospital bed, he gently squeezed my hand, concern etched across his face. "How are you holding up?"

"I don't know how much longer I can do this," I admitted, my voice wavering.

"You've come so far," he brought my hand to his lips, pressing a kiss to the knuckles. "If anybody can do it, you can."

Jack being here meant that it had been ten hours since I started feeling weird in the car, and nine since I first started feeling the painful contractions. It was dark outside, and I wondered if I'd ever get to see the light again. The last time they checked over me, I was only six centimetres dilated. There was still so much more to come. I just wanted to go back in time and stop myself from ever going down this road.

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