Chapter 33

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The morning sunlight streamed in through the curtains, casting a warm glow across the living room. I held Eliza close to my chest, having finished breastfeeding her, and quietly reentered the bedroom. Jack was still peacefully asleep. As I watched him, a soft smile tugged at my lips. Today was his 37th birthday, and I was determined to make it special for him.

Carefully, I tiptoed to his side of the bed and kissed his forehead.

"Morning, old man," I teased, rousing him from his sleep.

"Old man?" he grumbled as he woke up, his eyes fluttering open. "Really, Jace? I'm only getting better with age."

"I know," I grinned mischievously and ran a hand through his hair.

He eagerly held his arms out for Eliza, grinning from ear to ear. I gently sat her up on his chest and he pressed a kiss to the top of her head as he snuggled her close. She let out a few overjoyed noises and gave him a gummy smile.

"Oh my gosh, best birthday ever," Jack gushed at Eliza, his fingers gently dancing on Eliza's belly, coaxing out more delightful smiles from our little one.

Eliza basked in the attention, cooing in response to all of Jack's playful gestures. The bond between father and daughter was a beautiful sight, and I couldn't help but feel a surge of love for the two most important people in my life. Jack's eyes, full of love and gratitude, met mine, and we shared a silent understanding of the profound gift that Eliza was in our lives.

"How about," I started to suggest, softly rubbing his upper arm, "you go take a shower, and I prepare us some breakfast?"

Immediately, he gave me a dramatic pout. "But I want all the morning snuggles."

"You'll get snuggles all day."

"Fine," he sighed loudly and repositioned his hands so I could safely take Eliza back.

As he shuffled towards the bathroom, I comfortably started carrying Eliza again. Her little neck was finally starting to support the weight of her head, but it was still shaky. It meant our little girl was growing up, hitting all of her milestones in the process. Things seemed to be going by so fast. It felt like yesterday that I was still barely showing, excited for what was to come

Before I could exit the room, Jack grinned at me from the bathroom. "Remember a year ago?"

"As if I remember. I nearly passed out on the ferry," I chuckled, remembering his birthday a year earlier. "That's when I knew."

He waltzed up to me and snuck me a kiss, "I'm going to have to say finding out you were pregnant is the second best birthday. Having Eliza here now makes this one the best."

He stroked her hair, gently kissing the top of her head, before giving me another kiss. I gently pushed him towards the bathroom again.

"Now go take that shower," I warned as I pointed towards the bathroom. "You don't want to waste your birthday away in day-old boxers."

As he finally disappeared into the bathroom, I made my way out to the living room and kitchen again. I set Eliza in her bouncer, strategically placing it where I could keep an eye on her and she could see I was still in the vicinity. The plan was to prepare a special breakfast to celebrate the birthday boy. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air as I started whipping up some pancakes.

While the batter started sizzling in the pan, I heard the sound of the bathroom door opening and Jack emerged, his hair damp and a fresh set of clothes on. His eyes lit up as he caught a whiff of the pancakes cooking and spotted Eliza. He chose to go over to her first, lifting her out of the bouncer, and carried her over to me.

Growing with J.A.C.I.E. (All Time Low Fanfiction | Jack Barakat)Where stories live. Discover now