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  e l o r a

  This was very clearly not the front door, Elora realized, when they scurried inside. And this was no normal building. Elora had not expected anything, really. Her mind had blacked out while pondering what may lay inside. They could've well entered through the front door though, for stepping inside the building through the back door had them standing in a gigantic entrance hall, staring straight at the high-rising double front door. The entire hall was white, bright, and clean, so much so that nervosity trickled up and down her spine as she noted the resemblance to a hospital. There was a sole plastic chair leaning against the wall, opposite a counter. Above the counter hung a sign reading "registration."

  Was this a hospital? Just when she went to ask Kaz, Dunyasha appeared before them. She motioned for them to follow her. They rushed through sterile hallways with no artwork decorating the walls and no plants dotting the place with life. It was quiet, so much so that the atmosphere enveloped the girl without any way to free herself. She suddenly felt trapped, her feet slowing down until she stopped. Elora stared down the empty hallway, then her eyes twitched towards the door on her left, a tiny window carved into it. She did not register Kaz's urging tone as she walked up to the door and peeked inside: a bed. That's all there was for furniture. A woman with untidily cut brown hair sat curled into a ball, banging her head against the wall.

  Elora stumbled backward, her heart rate speeding up. She rushed to the opposing side, peeking into the room as well. A man was jogging in circles. They were clearly mad. This was a mental hospital. What--

  Elora stared at Kaz, her breathing quickening. "Who?" she asked. She did have an inkling, but the impossibility of it caused her to need him to say it. But Kaz only shook his head and motioned for her to tag along. She did as quickly as she could, though her legs refused to properly cooperate as she kept stumbling over her own feet. Her sight blacked out occasionally, and she had to stop for a moment before she would tumble down the stairway they were ascending.

  Up and up and up. Elora didn't count the stories, but she found they must be quite high up, probably even as high as it went. When the three quit their ascend and entered yet another hallway, Elora asked, "Where is Wylan? Is he meeting us?" For if the thought that had struck her turned out to be true, Wylan had to be there just as much as Elora did.

  "He should be right behind us," said Dunya. But the stairwell stayed empty. They waited, Kaz clicking his foot onto the floor. Elora could tell that something was not going as planned. Kaz was obviously tense. Wylan should already be here.

  A multitude of scenarios ran through her mind. But just as the worst one crept up on her, the golden locks of her twin appeared.

  "I'm sorry," he heaved, close to passing out as he fell to his knees, catching his breath. "I was almost caught, I'm sorry."

  Elora ran up to him, fell to her knees also, and held his head so that she could inspect his sweaty face. "Are you alright?" she worried.

  Wylan nodded hastily. "But we don't have a lot of time. I placed another one," he addressed Kaz, "It should go off in about two minutes' time."

  Kaz nodded shortly before he hurried down the hallway. He stopped in front of a door far off on the left and peered through the window much like Elora had done downstairs. When his sights collided with Elora's, the girl's heart plummeted. Why did he look so very sorry? There was no way that her notion could be true.

  She turned to Wylan, and the boy spoke the words that she'd just wanted to form. "Do you know?"

  So Kaz had not told him either. Elora shook her head and then got to her feet. She reached out her hand to pull Wylan to his feet as well. When he stood, though, she did not let go but squeezed his hand tighter.

Elora Van Eck | Kaz BrekkerWhere stories live. Discover now