CH38: Three Simple Words (or not)

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I had slowly begun to regain my senses with the first being the intense discomfort in several of my wings and the most blatant. However I remained unable to move or even sense anything beyond my own body so I was unable to verify what was causing the pain as I did not remember getting them injured when I had been hit with something.

I remembered working to save Diana and perhaps taking a bit of pleasure in giving her mouth to mouth but hey I asked if anyone knew how to do it and there was no time to teach Thalia or Reyna how to do it properly. When suddenly I had been hit with something in my side and it had caused me far more pain than I had felt before, which as someone who has twice been in the Styx is not an easy thing to compare to. I had blacked out pretty quickly and felt nothing until now where I was trapped inside my own body.

The pain was good for one reason however as it meant I was not dead.

I remained in this sense of Limbo for what felt like an eternity however as I slowly regained my strength I noticed other extra sensory information that I was unable to locate the source of in my paralytic state such as the gentle drops of some liquid onto one of my suspected injured wings and another that was the sound of metal clattering across a stone floor.

With great difficulty I was slowly able to regain control of some of my extremities as I slowly relearned how to flex my fingers slowly and became aware of the soft surface I was laying on which I was thankful for as it meant I was not still laying in field at least.

However my limbs remained unresponsive as did my eyes and mouth but I became aware that someone was with me at least and if the occasional sound like sniffing a blocked nose was anything to go by.

I tried to use my sense of detection to work out who or what my companion was but like everything else they were equally screwed up beyond telling me there was someone near by.

It was infuriating to know that someone at least cared about me enough to stay with me but not to know their identity especially as they refused to talk or make any noise I could possibly have recognized beyond that annoying breathing sound.

After a few more minutes I detected movement to my left and felt a shadow cross my face judging by the drop in warmth and I finally managed to open my eyes slowly and come face to face with a silver set that I knew and recognized and loved.

'err... Hello Percy.' Diana said awkwardly sitting down from her position leaning over me and I noticed the tell tale sign of Immortal tears on her cheeks and parts of her clothes. Seriously having golden blood must have been annoying but golden tears was extreme, it was even worse hell than from what I knew of mascara that ran when wet but that would be the least of a goddess's concerns with a trail of gold down half your face.

At least she was Ok though I thought as I slowly tipped my head to the side she was on and immediately recognized my surroundings as being my own bedroom back in the palace at Orthrys. Great to be back here again or not, which for that matter how long had I been out of it I thought, as I used my internal senses that were now beginning to work as I checked off the time and date in reverse order glad at least that it was the same year, month and only the following day in the very early hours of the morning which gave me a question if she was here who was in the chariot?

'Hel—Hello Milady, glad to see you are safe.' I finally managed to croak out through my parched mouth.

'Don't worry about me you idiot you nearly died, I am a true immortal remember I can't die unlike you.' She said annoyed.

'Your welcome then.' I said hoarsely which she noticed before looking around my room and taking standing and walking of out of my line of sight before returning shortly thereafter with a glass of water she gently placed against my lips as I struggled to drink the fluid and ended up dribbling more of it down her hand than down my throat but it was at least a lot more easy to use my throat by the end of it.

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