CH86: We Need To Talk

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'I hate you, I hate them, you know what fuck it I hate everyone equally.' Perseus complained loudly causing me to continue ignoring him as I gazed up into the cloudy sky from my position lying on the roof. His current mood being the reason I was up here alone and not downstairs with Diana.

'I want my weapons back!' He complained like a spoilt child who had had his favourite toys taken away for misbehaving. Which was much closer to the truth than I would have liked, after all I was the one who gave them away.

'We have been over this, not happening BAE .'

'Then I will take them back!'

'And do what drop them on the floor like you did earlier? They are my weapons not yours and therefore it is my decision on who can use them, a very short exclusive list, which you are in no danger of finding yourself back on anytime soon, especially after what you did. So quit bitching and let me enjoy the quiet.' I told him coldly, neither I nor the girls wanted to deal with this immature idiot but unfortunately I had little choice in the matter.

'I don't even see what the problem is, not my fault none of you can take a joke.'

'That is it you egocentric sociopathic asshole, none of this is a joke! I do not see anyone laughing about what you did. You lost any and all privileges the moment you tried to kill Artemis. So do me and everyone else a favour and SHUT THE FUCK UP!'

'... I hate you.' This was the childish behaviour I had to deal with. How come I got lumbered with this idiot?


'Do you think he has calmed down yet?' I mused internally whilst subconsciously watching the swirling vortex on the watch face attached to my right wrist.

'I don't care whether he has calmed down because I sure as hell haven't.' Artemis replied bitterly.

'Everyone just needs a bit of time.' I tried to say reassuring despite the bad pun.

'Easy for you to say I nearly ran out of it, for the moment he can sit there and suffer. I don't care that Percy has to suffer it as well; he is the only reason I don't go up there now and stab him with his own damned sword. See how he likes looking down it from the wrong end for once.' She spat venomously and I could see where she was coming from, after all she had got the short end of the straw at the time and it could have just as easily been me in her place.

'It will be alright in the end.' I said more to myself than my counterpart. Noting the intermingling gold and silver on the watch face that seemed currently like some sort of cruel joke. Just a few hours ago everyone had been happy and joking and now the four of us were at each other's throats. Well mostly three against one but in a relationship as complicated as ours it may as well have been.

'Just shut up and be quiet I would rather not think about it.'


You had to be a idiot to not notice the tension in the air around the house. Both from the usual suspects who after bringing me back had immediately separated as far away from each other as was possible, though I hadn't noticed straight away because I was more interested in finding something to eat. Sure it had been strange that she had been carrying and using his weapons but I was beginning to think this was a lot more than let your spouse borrow your stuff day. And another unusual pair who I was still trying to work out what the issue was.

For some reason the usually inseparable duo of Thalia and Reyna seemed to be trying their hardest to avoid one another. If one would enter the room the other was in either she or the other would then find some excuse to leave just as quickly.

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