What's the fuss with the Parrot Boy?

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{Time skip by 4 years}

"G! Hurry up"

Pearl's voice easily echoed around the smooth spherical sandstone walls, bouncing sound right into Grian's room.

"Hold your parrot's! I'm coming"

Grian darted into the main room, where 2 hooded figures were waiting beside his mother and his sister.

"Grian, this is... umm. I didn't actually catch your name?"

"Names are of unimportance right now."

Grain's mother looked a bit taken aback, though her gaze shifted to the fluorescent shades cascading off of Grian's wings and let it go. He didn't really care, he had faced many scientists, genetic counsellors, therapists, even a few priests, all with their minds set on one goal: 'What was all this fuss about the parrot boy?'

After a few years, this gets boring and all the tests and silent chattering about possible conditions, curses or blessings just become white noise. Grian was perfectly content about the fact that he was different, sure it still hurt when everyone judged him, but there was a part of him that enjoyed it, it meant that he never had to worry about his friends leaving, he knew they were loyal and accepted him for who he was. He wished that life could just go on, sadly as we find out time and time again, fate is never on your side.

"So this is the boy?"

One of the hooded figures loomed over him with a slight look of distaste hanging on his face.

"Why, he must only be 13."

Great. Another person he just met immediately judging him by his height. He was literally only 5'3. That's not that short.

"I'm 17."

Grian met the man's gaze and held it, neither seemed to back down, with Grian fluffing up his wings and making them appear larger. He could see from his peripherals that the other hooded figure was writing something down on a notepad. Even when the figure turned to look back at his mother, Grian kept staring, he wanted to know everything he could about this man. It became hard to trust people after a priest had practically told the whole village that he was "an all powerful saint, blessed with power from the mighty lords above!" This proclamation made some people try to get him to enhance their strength or give them cooler powers. One time, someone was caught making plans to Kidnap Grian and harness his power. It was the most stupid thing Grian had ever heard in his life. He didn't even have all powerful magic from the lords above, he just used standard elven magic, though his spells often glowed with a strange purple hue, unlike the others.

He had become so lost in thought that he had forgotten about the strange people in his house, now grabbing him by the wrist and walking out of the house. He turned back to look at Pearl, she mouthed a short 'sorry' and the other figure closed the door.


"I can walk, myself."

Grian yanked his hand away from the purple hooded figure, now walking parallel to the colourful winged parrot boy.

'It's quite a way to walk to the location."

What location? Grian hadn't asked if they were priests, scientists or something else entirely, not that it really mattered anymore, he had been through this time and time again. They would take him to some sort of lab, ask him questions and send him home telling his mother that he was some kind of god or freak. It was like everyone and their dog were trying to find out what the fuss was with the parrot boy.

He bet in some other place in the world, there was another type of avian, all bearing fluorescent wings, all happy and flying free. That's right... flying. Grian was forbidden from flying. About a year ago a priest had told him that his wings were not strong enough to fly, though He used to do it all the time, they said that as he grows, his wings will not be thick enough to support his weight, but oh how he still longed to fly, how he longed to leave the desert, leave his judgmental school, leave his worries to thirst and die in that Sahara landscape. To live in a world of cascading waterfalls and bees, where plant life and grass graze his shoes and leave green stains along the soles. How he longed to be where the ferns could drift and waltz in the breeze. 

He had always loved that poem. It was written by his friend Scar, the one friend who had stayed with him even through the whole wing mess. The one person he trusted more than anyone else. He had always hated when Grian was sent off to priests, him and Pearl would say that they didn't need an explanation, or that he didn't need fixing.

Grian hadn't been able to be near Scar in about a year, ever since he left that is. Scar, like Grian, was an Elf, but he had no wings, so their friendship was frowned upon by all those who cared enough to notice, which was pretty much everybody. Scar and his family had gotten into an accident a year back which left them in the hospital. People saw it as Grian's fault, since everyone assumed his whole existence was a curse. He wasn't allowed to see Scar, and apparently as soon as they were fine to leave... they left, he hadn't seen him in over a year.


Grian had spent the entire walk just reliving memories, he would rather forget. For some reason, his mind just loved to taunt him with mistakes of his past, leading him down neurological paths to doubt himself and under mind anything he proceeded to do.

"We're here."

Grian's eyes drifted up from the floor to find a tall church-like building, bearing a stained glass window, shades of purple, white and black. The symbol it was bearing was a simple enough shape, though its aura glowed with meaning and purpose. He felt a strange tugging on his heart, like his body was telling him to come inside, and let out a breath he had been holding his entire life. His head tilted to the side like a confused parrot as his eyes drifted to the intricate patterns weaving through the symbol in large defined swirls of colour. The glowing Purple was enough to hypnotise any weak minded soul into entering, though the vividness of the building was alluring, something about the feeling felt too good to be true.

All of a sudden Grian was once again being pulled into the building entering the 10 foot long door, entering a large dark room lit only with candles and lanterns. Surrounding a strange circle in the centre of the room were about 6 other cloaked figures all tilting their heads in perfect unison as he entered their field of view.

"What's going on?"

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