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the game has been amazing so far we're in the bottom of the third inning and the phillies are up three to one, thanks to alec bohm who just got his sixtieth rbi of the season with a two rbi double. he turns over to the dugout to hit his shimmy and oh my god is he the most attractive man i've ever seen. honestly his only flaw is walking out to 'famous' by kanye west.

the game soon comes to an end as the phils edge out another win beating the padres, and securing the series, with a 5-2 win. alec is the player of the game and we have what feels like from row seats to his post-game interview, but more importantly the splash zone.

"i want him so bad" i whisper to logan as we both take our phones out and get ready to watch alec get daycare'd. soon we see stott and marsh walking up behind alec with their cups of water before dumping them on alec. they both say something as alec laughs before finishing up his interview. as he is heading back into the dugout he looks up at the crowd of fans and we quick make eye contact before he continues into the dugout disappearing.

"oh my god," i whisper to logan. my cheeks are stained permanently red right now, "i think he just winked at me" i say super quietly. honestly i'm probably just imagined the whole thing i think.

"bella are you serious of course he did" she responds. but logan and i always feed each other's delusions so i decide not to obsess over it as we head out of the stadium.

we finally make it back to my car where we decide to hangout for awhile since there's so much traffic rushing out of here won't make a difference.

it's only six o'clock so i decide to see if logan wants to grab dinner in the city before heading home. we make our way to a small local bar and grill before getting out table. the bar we chose is kind of a dive, but there's few people in here luckily so it's nice.

"bro i'm so happy we decided to go today that was such a good game" i say to logan as we wait for our food to arrive.

"no seriously and our record for this year is now six wins and no loses" she states referring to how the phils have won every game we attended. we continue to talk amongst ourselves jumping from subject to subject when i notice two tall guys walk in. at first they caught my attention because i'm always looking for men to talk to trying to finally find a boyfriend, but not long after i noticed them. i notice who they are and almost choke on my fries.

"bella what the fuck is wrong with you" logan says. my eyes are now focused on me beer which i decide to drink maybe too much from. before turning to logan.

"girl. don't react, but bohm and marsh are here" i reply in the quietest whisper i could. her eyes widen.

"get the fuck out you're gaslighting me" she replies.

"why the fuck would i gaslight you over this. i'm just happy i left my bohm hat in the car i don't need him knowing i'm obsessed". i joke

"is now the time i bring up the tattoo or" she rambles but i quickly shush her as i had made eye contact with alec and he sent me a smile before turn back to brandon as the two are sitting at the bar.

"i feel like we shouldn't be here" i joke softly while my anxiety begins eating me alive. in all the times i talked about wanting him never did i imagine to meet him, well in better terms be in the same bar as him.

"no i understand" logan replies.
we both had become quite quiet since the two men's arrival. "i'm
gonna head to the bathroom" she mumbles before sliding out of her side of the booth.

i nod in response before taking out my phone. i notice it's now nine at night and we should really plan to head home soon. i'm interrupted on my train of thought when i notice a drink placed
down in front of me. i look up to see none other than alec bohm.

"hey" he flashes me that gorgeous smile.

"hi" i say, "thanks for the drink" i shyly smile back. i'm never usually quiet.

"so how'd you like the game?" he asks with a smirk. god i love his face.

"it was great. i can't wait to see you at the all-star game this year." i smile. he chuckles back. then i realize that logan is going to be out soon and i still have to pay and drive home. "thanks again for the drink, but i'm afraid i have to leave since it's getting late and my friend has work tomorrow".

"well before you go can i get your number" i blush as i grab his phone out of his hand and quickly create my contact and making my name 'bella:)'.

"well it was nice to meet you and don't be afraid to text me whenever. have a nice night alec and good luck against arizona". i smile while trying to signal the waiter about it and he walks over. yet i noticed alec is also still sitting here.

"it was nice meeting you too bella," he says grabbing the check.

"alec seriously the drink was enough please let me pay for my friend and i" i say reaching my hand out for the check. he quickly hands the check back to the waiter ignoring what i said.

"don't worry about it, bella. i'll see you around" he winks again before walking back towards the bar. i quickly get up and remember i told logan to meet me at my car. oh my god i wonder how long she's been waiting there.

"bella thank god you're ok i've been out here for five minutes and was about to head back inside i got worried".

i was about to spill everything that just happened, but for some reason i didn't. instead i just told her it took awhile for the waiter to return with the check.

as we drive home listening to taylor swift i can't help at smile at the day i have had.

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