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waking up the next day i am so grateful to have off. alec and i texted for a little bit last night. he honestly is so funny and i don't think i can get enough of him.

i decide to get my hair done today. nothing drastic though just a trim and dye it black again since it fades over time. as i'm sitting in the salon chair my phone goes off.

*new message from 'alec'*

hey how's your morning?

it's going good! what about you? :)

good. brandon is being loud as always with his music, but we have training soon.

have fun:)

a few more hours go by and my hair is finally done. i always feel like myself when i have jet black hair. i decide i wanted to make pasta tonight so i quickly stop by the grocery store to buy all of the ingredients i need before going home. logan is working a mid shift today so she wont be home too late and i have plenty of time to cook dinner. so i head to the kitchen to set down the groceries on the counter. i throw my hair up in a claw clip and walk over to my record player. it took me a minute but i decided to spin 'fearless' by taylor swift. logan shouldn't be home for two more hours which gives me plenty of time to cook dinner and clean the kitchen.

as i am prepping the shrimp i hear my phone ringing, so i glance over at it.


i quickly turn down my record player before picking up the phone.

"hey al how was training?" i say before setting my phone back down on the counter next to me so i can continue cooking.

"it was good. the team feels good for this next series," he says, "so bella i was calling to see if you wanted to do something tonight? you know like go out or we can stay in" he begins to ramble.

"honestly alec as much as i would love to. i'm alright making dinner for my roomate and i for tonight. i would
invite you over, but between the fact that i'm sure neither of us would want company and i live kind of far from the city. i just don't think it's a good idea". i state as my phone goes off again. i look over to see that logan is stuck working a double tonight and is going to crash at her sister's house.

"actually wait a minute. how do you feel about shrimp fettuccine?" i ask.

"i have to say i don't think i've had it. why" he chuckles.

"well if you don't mind the trip i'm making some and it seems my roommate won't be home tonight." i say. nerves begin to flood my system. as i wonder if this is a good idea or not.

"sure send me your address" he answers as i hear him fumbling around. i quickly send him my address and take a break from prepping dinner since i don't want it to be done early. "ok so it looks like i should get there around 7:30". that gives me about a hour and a half to cook dinner and clean i think. oh my god alec bohm is going to be in my house. the realization starts seeping in.

"ok see you then. drive safe". i say.

"see you soon" he replies before hanging up as i hear a car start.

i can't believe this is seriously happening i put the shrimp in the fridge so i can quickly clean up. luckily i cleaned everything early so it's just really some tidying up that needs to be done. once i feel as if the house looks nice enough. i rush back to the kitchen and put on my reputation vinyl and turn it all the way up. i should have an hour to cook dinner, clean the dishes, and set the table.

finally as i set the places. i hear my doorbell go off. luna goes running to logan's room and benny runs to the door. i don't know why this kitten is so obsessed with people, but oh well. i had changes into a cute pair of jeans, a red crop top, and my hair is now down in the blowout style from this morning. oh and i also put some light makeup on.

"hi" i say quietly opening my door. "welcome to my home" i smile brightly up at the six foot five gorgeous man in front of me. hes wearing jeans aswell with a plain white shirt and a light blue flannel over it. it's strange seeing him without a hat but man he looks so good.

"hey thanks for the invite you look really pretty" he says leaning down giving me a quick hug and kiss on the cheek. seeing as i'm only five three there's a significant height difference between us. he sets his keys and phone down on the coffee table.

"so dinner is ready you can follow me to the kitchen. also would you like anything to drink? i'm having a glass of wine" i say as we walk to the kitchen together.

"whatever you're having is fine with me" he responds.

i go to grab the wine glasses from the cabinet, but alec reaches up to grab them for me since they're on the top shelf.

"thanks" i mumble blushing slightly. i set them down on the counter as i pour two glasses of white wine and set them at our places. "you can have a seat alec" i say as i prepare our bowls of pasta. i turn around with the two dishes in hand and notice he has waited to oull my chair out for me. i place our bowls down and mutter another thanks before he sits down across from me.

"this looks amazing bella". he says before digging in.

"hopefully you like it".

we sit in a comfortable silence for a few minutes enjoying our food and wine before he speaks up.

"so tell me a bit about yourself. seeing as i only know your name so far"

"well i'm twenty three. i work as a vet tech. i live with my best friend logan. we have two cats, her cat luna and my kitten benny. we also have a fish, poet. my family is from philly so obviously i'm a philly sports fan, but i also love the city i think its so beautiful. i also really enjoy cooking and music". i ramble a bit, but i am a talker so i can't help it. "what about you? there has to be more to alec bohm then being amazing at baseball". i ask smiling at the man across from me.

"well i grew up out in nebraska. i also live with my best friend brandon. we don't have any pets, but i do have a dog back home at my parents' place" he smiles.

we continue eating dinner while sharing stories. my cheeks hurt from laughing so much. alec is so funny and his stories from growing up or even currently had me near tears laughing so hard. eventually dinner was finished and alec insisted on clearing the table, but i was able to convince him to leave the dishes in the sink while i packed away the leftovers. we decided to head to the living room to watch tv and he grabbed a beer while i decided to have a twisted tea. we sat next to each other on the couch taking our shoes off. as i turn on hulu.

"woah i don't even get a say in what we watch" he jokingly says looking over at me.

"well alec have you ever watched 'it's always sunny in philadelphia'?" i ask.


"well you're in for a great experience then" i say turning on my favorite show. he puts his arm around me and pulls me in as the episode begins to play. alec and i are laughing at something mac did when benny jumps up on his lap.

"oh my god i'm so sorry he doesn't understand personal space" i say reaching over to grab benny.

"bella it's fine" alec says petting benny. "who is this cute little guy?" he asks focused on benny now.

"that is my kitten, benny, he's a bit of a cuddler, but he also is insanely playful"

"well hes adorable".

a comfortable silence grows
over us again as i have my head on his chest and now benny has wedged himself in between us. i'm focused on the show when i can feel
alec's eyes on me. i turn and glance up
at him. before i know it he begins leaning down and brings his right hand to cup my face. oh my god he's going to kiss me. i quickly melt into the palm of his hand as we begin to kiss. it started out slow and passionate, but grew hotter and hotter. i now
find my hands running through his hair and he guides me onto my back. we
continue to make out for a few minutes before taking a break.

"want to continue this in my room" i ask quietly with a smirk.

"lead the way" he smiles back. before we head into my room.

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