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i got home and the game had ended eight to one another amazing game from the guys. i waste no time to text alec.

great job tonight babes i'm so happy for all of yous! <3

minutes go by then hours. i begin to drift off with sunny playing on tv when logan gets home at eleven.

"hi logan" i say quietly. i'm still in my scrubs on the couch i was trying to stay up to talk to alec and didn't realize this much time had passed.

"hi girl what are you still doing up" she asks putting her stuff away.

"just lost track of time," i say quietly, "i'm heading to bed now" i smile softly towards my best friend before dragging myself to my room. i slip into alec's shirt and i pair of shorts before getting into bed and cuddling with benny as i drift off to sleep.

i wake up to my alarm the next morning. i quickly rush through my morning routine and head to my kitchen making myself a bagel for breakfast and coffee. i noticed alec never answered my message, but decide to think nothing of it as i shoot him a quick good morning text before heading to work.

my day drags on with a few sick appointments and still no text from alec. i'm starting to find it a bit strange. did i do something? i think to myself, but decide to shake the thought reminding myself that he's a professional athlete and is busy. eventually it's time for my lunch break and i decide to call my long distance best friend, jasmine, since she is a wag herself.

"hey jas how are you girl" i say when she picks up my facetime.

"i've been good. how are you?"

"good. but girl it's been a bit crazy recently not gonna lie" i let out a sigh and she gives me a look as if to explain.

"so i met alec bohm last wednesday and we hung out a few times since and we were texting everyday, but yesterday he left me on delivered and same thing with this morning. i don't know i'm sure it's nothing, but i had a conversation with two other of the wags and i fear i made it seem that i don't really care for him and that this whole thing is casual, but i do care for him i just don't want us to be in the public eye right away and rush into anything you know". i rant.

"you know bella what helped jack and i was open communication. i told him my little anxieties in the beginning and even now with him living in monaco and me going to college. maybe see if alec can call soon or wait till he's back and talk in person. i know how you get with relationships girl, but you gotta let yourself fall eventually". she smiles at me.

we talk a little longer and joke around for a bit until it's time for me to head back inside from break.

"ok girl thanks for the advice i love you. please come visit soon if you can. also you're the only one i've told so far" i say to arguably my favorite person ever.

"ofcourse girl please let me know how the talk goes and i'll have to see i just got back from jack's races in canada. talk to you later bells love you" she hangs up.

the rest of my day was full if sick appointments, but luckily nothing serious. my day finishes up and i'm ready to head home. this whole alec thing is getting to my head a bit. i just want to talk with him so i know where we stand.

when i get home i notice logan is baking again.

"hey logan how have you been girl" i say putting my things down before heading to the kitchen. i hear benny's bell behind me, so i lean down and pick him up. benny loves to sit on my shoulder.

"i'm good. i' think i'm gonna start streaming" she says baking a cake.

"i mean you've always wanted to so why not" i say back, "i think you'd be good at it" i smile towards my best friend before grabbing a twea from our fridge.

"thanks girl" she says placing the cake pans in the oven. "how have you been?" she asks while setting a timer for the cake.

"ok. i was talking to this guy, but i'm not sure anymore" i say shrugging.

"uh oh he gave you the ick already again" she says with a chuckle.

"something like that" i smile back. i don't want to tell her too much for now so i leave the conversation like that, "you know what though, i think dr, chase was lowkey flirting with me yesterday" i laugh.

"oh so he didn't give you the ick you just finally caught the doctor's eye huh" she laughs.

"no i'm pretty sure he's still with his girlfriend it was just strange" i laugh.

we head into the living room to watch the phils game and i put benny down next to me. the game is tied going into the bottom of the fifth with no run. something seems so off today, but i shrug the feeling.

"i'm gonna go get changed real quick" i say.

as i'm washing my face i hear logan yelling at the tv. this means that the tigers are hitting, shit, i think to myself. i wanted to call alec and talk tonight, but if the game doesn't go well i should probably wait.

i changed into an old five seconds of summer shirt and some shorts before walking back into the living room. this time i take a seat on the ground and play with benny because luna cannot be bothered with her baby brother most of the time. sometimes i debate getting another kitten for him to have a playmate, but i always decide against it.

the tigers ended up scoring four in that inning and logan is stressing.

"we're so cooked" she mumbles.

"it's one game. they might still come back" i say.

"i guess" she replies.

i was wrong. the game ended four to one tigers and we quickly switch to sunny. we watch two episodes before i decide to head to bed. tomorrow is surgery day and benny is coming to work with me so he can get bloodwork before he needs to be fixed.

i climb into bed and benny jumps up and i quickly drift off to sleep.

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