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it is now saturday and i am grateful that i only have to work eight to four today and logan is off today aswell and i'm grateful since we haven't spent much time together recently. i quickly take care of the cats before getting a quick shower and leaving for work.

when i park my car at work i see i'm early so i take out my phone and send alec a quick text.

good morning al. goodluck today:)

i haven't been talking with alec long, but there are a few things that i have picked up on. on gameday alec likes to get up early so he can shower in the morning. he also tries not to be on his phone to close to first pitch hence why i sent him the goodluck text now instead of closer to game time.

after i sent the text i decide to head inside in hopes that my work day will go by fast today and tomorrow i am off.

just like i had hoped today was in fact simple and went by swiftly as we only had wellness exams that consisted mostly of vaccines. alec had responded to my texts this morning with a simple thanks. i decide not to read much into it as i remember when i was an athlete and how i hated losing. i decided to grab logan and i chipotle on the way home that way i wouldn't stress about cooking and can focus on the game.

"hey logan" i say entering our house, "how has your day off been" i ask as i carry our food over and place it on the table.

"it was good. just played minecraft all day and hung out with the cats". she says. she places her laptop down and grabs her bowl. i join her on the couch as we turn our attention to the phillies.

"i hate the d-bags" logan states and i chuckle and nod in agreement.

"i have a feeling the phils will respond today" i say picking away at my food. anxiety begins eating me away keeping this secret from my best friend, but until i know what this is and how real it is i do not wish to tell her.

it's the bottom of the third since i had missed the first two innings on my commute home and kyle had just hit a double, the phils already leading two nothing. i'm glad to see the team responding hopefully they continue. harper hits a two run homerun and logan and i go crazy celebrating in our living room. we settle down watching bohm's at bat now, yet again we go crazy because alec has to hit a homerun. i feel as if a weight has been lifted off my shoulders by his run.

"that's my man let's go baby" i say before hugging logan. luckily she thinks nothing of my words as we continue to watch the game. the game continues and the phillies are hitting well, so well that the diamondbacks have a catcher in the mound in the eighth inning. dahl hits another homerun making the score twelve to one. logan and i are ecstatic as we watch kyle rush in to catch the finale out.

"oh my god what a fucking game" i turn to logan.

"amazing" she replies.

we watch as kyle is daycare'd after the game has ended.

"alright wanna watch sunny?" i ask. logan has agreed to watch sunny all the way through after months of me begging her to watch my favorite show.

"sure" she replies as she opens up hulu to put on the show.

i take out my phone to text alec.

great game babes! i knew yous would respond. :)

i set my phone down not expecting a response anytime soon as he should be celebrating with his teammates. yet, i notice my phone go off not long after.

thanks babe. what are you doing?

i'm watching sunny with logan lol.

you should come down tonight and come to the game tomorrow.

i'm not sure what to do. i don't want to tell logan about us yet, but i want to go. i decide i'll tell logan i'm going to my sister's since she lives on the outskirts of the city.

"hey girl i'm gonna go to my sister's tonight and we're gonna go to the game tomorrow" i say.

"damn going to a game without me" she says light heartedly.

"don't worry i'll send you pictures and i'll let you know when i'm on my way home tomorrow" i say before texting alec back.

yea i can do that. let me know your address and when to come over:).

*his address* you can come by whenever just let me know when you're here.

i stand up to head to my room to pack. still in my scrubs i decide to get another shower this time to wash my hair. once i'm done showering u ask if logan wants to hangout with me while i pack. she enters my room and sits on my bed with benny and luna beside her as she scrolls through tiktok.

while she's not paying attention i pack some things for tonight.



"do you think this is cute for the game tomorrow" i say holding up my custom white tank crop top that has twenty-eight bejeweled on the chest and a pair of jean shorts. seeing as philly is in the middle of a heatwave and it's going to be near a hundred tomorrow.

"yea that's cute" she says.

i hope alec doesn't think it's weird.

"alright girlie i'm heading out. i'll see you tomorrow have a good shift. love ya bye" i say grabbing my keys before heading out.

i get into my car and turn on my playlist and the first song that plays is 'enchanted' i smile to myself as i set off to alec's. the drive to the city gives me plenty of time to think. think about how he winked at me, how he happened to come to the same dive as logan and i that night, how he came over to my place, how i'm going to his place. then it hits me. he lives with brandon. oh my god. is brandon going to be there tonight. is it weird that i'm going. i begin to over think and notice i am now only a few minutes away. i destress and compose myself. if brandon is there i'm sure everything will be ok. as i settle i pull up to a beautiful house and send alec a text letting him know i'm here.

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