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when i board the plane to chicago i am met with so many familiar faces, yet none of them know who i am. i find myself sitting next to alec and across from marsh. we talk for a little bit until the plane takes off. marsh and alec are talking as i feel myself drift off to sleep leaning on alec's shoulder.

"bells wake up we're about to land" alec whispers.

i sit up and buckle as i brace myself for landing. honestly i'm fine with takeoff and landing, but i've never done good while in the air with my motion sickness.

"bellsy have you ever been to chicago?" marsh asks.

"i had a layover here once when i was younger and my family went to punta cana, but i've never got to see the city i'm excited. i love traveling" i reply to him and he smiles.

we land and begin to get off the plane. outside as the guys are working on collecting their bags i walk over to dru who is holding s very sleepy braxtyn.

"hey" i say to the blonde.

"hi how was your flight?" she asks.

"it was good. i slept the whole time" i chuckle "how about you? how was braxtyn?" i ask.

"it was ok. unlike you she didn't sleep much, but she wasn't bad either" she says. "also bella i'm really glad you and alec are doing well and you decided to come on this trip" she says and sounds really genuine.

"thanks so am i" i say smiling towards the tall blonde. "also if at any point you want my to watch braxtyn for you i won't mind" i offer the girl.

"i appreciate it i'll let you know" she says as the three friends now approach us with all of the bags.

"what are you girls talking about?" bryson says taking his place next to dru.

"nothing much just about the flight" dru replies as i take in how they look at each other with so much love, admiration, and respect. i hope i can find that one day. actually i hope i can let myself be like that one day.

i feel alec's arm snake around my waist bringing me back to reality as my attention is now turned to him.

"you ready to head to the hotel?" he asks his blue eyes looking into mine. his eye contact should make me intimidated, but i find it comforting.

"yea i'm exhausted" i reply before yawning.

"how are you yawning you slept the whole flight" brandon exclaims.

"i like to sleep" i shrug and he just shakes his head almost in disbelief.

alec, brandon, and i stumble into one car as we say goodbye to bryson, dru, and braxtyn as they get into their own. yes we'll be in the same hotel and on the same floor, but with how many players and families there are here we don't know if we'll see them there.

the car ride consisted of marsh taking over aux and me shocking the two guys on how many songs i actually knew the words too.

"seriously i did not expect you to know bossman dlow bellsy" marsh says.

"why not?" i question.

"maybe because alec mentioned how much of a swiftie you are. i figured you didn't listen to rap" he shrugs and i notice alec slightly blush and i know my cheeks match him. i mean come on he talks about me with his best friend? i think. i know it makes sense, but still it's hard to believe sometimes.

"well marshy i'll have you know my mom grew up in the city, so i mainly listened to rap growing up" i say.

we arrived at the hotel and i share a room with marsh and alec. it's strange for sure, but seeing as me coming was so last minute there wasn't a way to get my own room or for marsh to room with someone else.

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