Chapter 8. Formation of Your Image Source

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What we explore: How does body image develop?

What's new: What is the difference between identical body image and individual body image?

What we will learn: How does the formation of an individual body image begin?

1. In order to avoid the assimilation of a perverted image of the ideal of "beauty," it is vitally important to form an individual image of a beautiful and at the same time healthy body, as opposed to an identical image of the ideal of a thin and sick body imposed from the environment (Author).

2. Body image - a mental image of your body as a whole, including its physical characteristics (body perception) and attitude towards these characteristics (body understanding). Also called body identification (APA Dictionary of Psychology)*.

3. Assistance to clients [patients, ed. author] in adopting a positive body image can help them value, respect, celebrate, and honor their body, which can make treatment results more effective and lasting (Tylka T.L., Wood-Barkalov, N.L. 2015) [1 ].

* APA - American Psychological Association.

4. Mental image of your body as a whole. The formation of any images occurs deep in the human heart through unconscious processes. Over time, under the influence of the knowing heart, an unconscious program is created to control human behavior (II fr. 5. 1–3, 5). The unconscious control program of the formed body image becomes part of the soul (II fr. 6.7). The soul nourishes or revives this image, as a result of which a strong desire appears to implement a program to implement the formed image in one's life (I fr. 21.14). Through its unconscious processes, the soul forms sustainable behavior aimed at bringing the formed image to life (I fr. 21.16; II fr. 4.9). The circle is closed. This is one of the structures of the soul, or, in scientific terms, the human psyche (II fr. 6.6). This raises a question. What mental image do we form of our body as a whole? Research shows that only two images are formed and both of them are identical.

5. Formation of identical images. Any identity is unreal and therefore unattainable. Why? Identity does not take into account a human's individual differences. It is as if the sculptor, using only one form of a figure, tried to pour out of it different figures of human bodies (I fr. 24. 1, 2, 4). Western cultural values ​​resemble such an amateur sculptor. These amateurish values ​​are reflected in the media, especially social media. They impose only two unrealistic images - extreme thinness (thinspo) or at the same time a muscular-thin body (fitspo) (III fr. 4.3). Research has proven that these ideals of "beauty" are unattainable and have a destructive effect on the physical and mental health of their followers (III fr. 4.7, 10; 5.10). Therefore, in scientific circles, these images are called negative. To avoid internalizing a perverted image of the ideal of "beauty" (negative), it is vitally important to form an individual image of a beautiful and at the same time healthy body (positive), as opposed to an identical image of the ideal of a thin and sick body imposed from the environment.

6. Formation of an individual image. Such formation begins from understanding the difference between an identical (negative) image and an individual (positive) image. What is it? For the answer, turn to positive body image experts Tracy Tylka * and Nicole Wood-Barcalow **.

• "Our current understanding of positive body image shows that it is: a distinct construct from negative body image, multifaceted (with facets including body appreciation, body acceptance and love, adaptive investment in appearance, broad conceptualization of beauty, inner positivity, which is emitted" (author's italics) (Tylka T.L., Wood-Barkalov, N.L. 2015) [1].

Children, adolescents, adult women, and men, when forming an identical body image, focus on a very limited perception of their body. This image design includes only appearance - weight and body shape. The individual image includes not only weight and body shape but also many other facets of the image. The healing process begins with the soul (psyche) of a human (I fr. 36.13). Therefore, to achieve success in recovery or not suffer from obesity or eating disorders, you need to change your attitude toward the structure of the soul. The experience of psychology has shown that the human soul is an incredibly complex structure that no one can fully understand and change (II fr. 6.3). It is necessary to change the attitude towards this device to use it for mental and physical health, in other words, to use it for its intended purpose (II fr. 4. 15).

* Dr. Tylka Tracy Lynn is a Ph.D. professor of psychology at the Columbus and Marion campuses of The Ohio State University. Her research focuses on both positive (adaptive) and negative (maladaptive) aspects of body image and eating behavior.

** Dr. Nicole Wood-Barcalow is a licensed psychologist. He is actively involved in research activities, including publications, and is also a member of the editorial board of Body Image: International Journal of Research. Co-author of Positive Body Image: A Guide to Clinical and Self-Improvement (Cambridge University Press, 2020).

7. Changing the attitude towards the perception of your body. If a human follows the recommendations of experts regarding knowledge about his individuality *, then the process of forming a different image has already begun (I fr. 24. 3–7). As you read this book, your knowledge of your unique body and soul** will expand, deepen, and grow until it fully reflects your individuality. The result will be an image that matches your personality. This will undoubtedly promote mental and physiological health.

* Knowledge of what a human's identity is and what individuality is, their difference and combination, including the importance of knowledge for maintaining an individual diet (maintaining a balanced lifestyle), is discussed in Book I, "What's wrong with the diet? Physiological part."

** In the second book, "What's Wrong with the Diet? What is the role of the psyche? The concept of the soul (psyche) is considered and its key role in people's eating behavior is revealed. Psyche harmony becomes the driver of future changes in the eating behavior of people with eating disorders and obesity.

8. Summary. The formation of an individual image of a beautiful and at the same time healthy body begins with a change in attitude towards the structure of the human psyche. Through unconscious mental processes, any body image is formed. To form an individual (positive) body image, it is necessary to evaluate it not only from the perspective of appearance but also take into account the importance of the internal attitude towards oneself and one's body.

Let's start with the formation of an individual source of beauty image, which will help change your inner attitude towards yourself and your body.

Next Chapter: Your source of beauty image

What we will explore: Who has the source of beauty and how does it relate to me?

What's new: What is beauty in the broadest sense?

What we will learn: How does inner beauty affect outer beauty?


1. Tylka TL, Wood-Barcalow NL. What is and what is not a positive body image? Conceptual foundations and construct definition. Body Image. 2015 Jun;14:118-29. doi: 10.1016/j.bodyim.2015.04.001. Epub 2015 Apr 25. PMID: 25921657.

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