Chapter 17. Mentor of Paideia Kalokagathia

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What we are exploring: Why was the veneration of the gods central to the education of Kalokagathia?

What's new: What is so different about the image of Kalokagathia created by Polykleitos in the sculpture "The Spearman"?

What we will learn: What is the sense of proportion, proportionality, and harmony?

1. About the construction of sanctuaries, sacrifices, and everything else that concerns the worship of the gods, if we have the mind [the ability to think, ed., author], and we will not resort to any other teacher except the domestic one: after all, in such things, it is this god is the domestic mentor of all people (Plato, 1994. State. 427 c) [1].

2. Encouragement to submit to paideia. Paideia encouraged people to strive for submission to the structure of the polis - to parents, teachers, and government officials. All citizens must obey the gods and their representatives - the priests. Therefore, good "soil" depended on the citizen himself - his agreement with such an upbringing. Not honoring the gods was a serious offense. For example, the outstanding philosopher Socrates was sentenced to death based on a denunciation of his alleged blasphemy and corruption of youth. His student, the outstanding philosopher Plato, was confident that the veneration of the gods (piety) was the main thing in the education of kalokagathia [2].

 His student, the outstanding philosopher Plato, was confident that the veneration of the gods (piety) was the main thing in the education of kalokagathia [2]

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3. The main thing in raising kalokagathia. Why he thought so can be understood by examining his work Timaeus. There Plato, in addition to other sciences, explains the creation and structure of the Universe. Talking about the Master (Demiurge), he consistently explains what could have motivated the Master when creating the Universe. Plato considers the reason for the appearance of the entire "most beautiful cosmos" to be the existential state of the Creator – "Good" (Good, Kind). The words used in ancient Greek, explaining the creation of the cosmos, translated into Russian have the following meanings:

• About the Creator (Good) – ἀρίστῳ [ˈaɾistos] superlative from ἀγαθός [aɡatós] – the best.

• In relation to the structure of space – καλός [kaˈlo̞s] – beautiful; κάλλιστος [kaˈlistos] superlative from καλός [kaˈlo̞s] – beautiful; ἀγαθός [aɡatós] – good *

* Plato, Timaeus, fragment (Plato, Timaeus, 27c – 61c)

What prompted, according to Plato, the Creator to create such a beautiful and good cosmos?

4. The Creator's motivation. As a result, we can say that the Creator, driven by the constant and unchanging state of being "best," wished to create a beautiful and at the same time good Universe or a beautiful cosmos. In this sense, He is the creator of Kalokagathia. Therefore, he expects all people to strive to become, and then to be, the best, both internally and externally.

"He was Good [best, ed., author], He wished that all things should become as similar as possible to himself" (author's italics) (Plato, 1994. Timaeus. 27c–31a) [1].

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