"This is brandy, 'A drink for and of men' truly arrogant"

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"Did you hear of the Duke's return? The Duke of Hastings?" I asked Daphne. She rolled her eyes.
"Yes, quite a lot I must add. Mama had invited him to our home last night for dinner" Daphne said.
"Was he handsome?" She shot me a glare. "I'm just curious," I insisted.
"I suppose one could say he wasn't . . . bad looking?" She said, pursing her lips, and seeming to stumble over her words. "And anyways, he's incredibly arrogant."
"Sounds like your brother" I scoffed.
She looked at me and raised her eyebrow, again? Really? "Hastings is actually one of my brother's greatest friends, so I assume they're very much like each other."
"Or, arrogance is a common trait in the likes of men" I offered, shrugging slightly.
"You would like my sister, Eloise." Daphne said, patting my arm. "Would you like to meet her? We could say we are going for tea?" Daphne smirked.
"Eloise? What a splendid name I'm sure I'll love her"

"Have you seen Lady Whistledown's newest pamphlet? She speaks very highly of you" Eloise asked, sitting down and opening a pamphlet. "'Lady Hampton, the diamond of the season, or shall I say sapphire? A most beautiful debutante, it appears that our beloved sapphire has quite a few callers knocking on her door, but which shall she choose? Lord Hardy? Lord Ambrose? Or perhaps the Viscount himself?'"
"Oh god" I laughed. "'The Viscount himself'? Who do they think I am? A shallow, dimwitted woman?"
"That's how everyone in society sees women Sara, this is a well known fact" Eloise added, waving around her cup of tea.
"Would you care for something a bit stronger?" I asked, pulling a leather flask out of my purse. "This is brandy, 'A drink for and of men' truly arrogant" I chuckled, handing it to her. Her eyes lit up and she grabbed the flask. She hesitated, only for a moment as she reached towards it.
She tipped her head back and took a sip, and instantly bent over coughing and sputtering. "God, that's strong"
I laughed, taking a drink of the brandy myself. It tasted bitter, flowing down my throat like honey.
"How?" She chuckled. "How can you drink it like it's nothing more than tea?"
"Drink what like it's nothing more than tea?" Anthony asked, walking into the drawing room, he looked around at both of us, surely seeing me stuff the flask into my purse again.
"Nothing Lord Bridgerton" I said, taking my purse and setting my tea down. "Well Eloise, I fear it is time for me to take my leave. I have much to get ready for the Vauxhall Celebration tonight" I stood up and smiled at Eloise.
"Really? Do you have to go?" Eloise asked. She gave me her copy of Lady Whistledown. "Keep it to think of me" She said sarcastically.
"Alright Eloise" I laughed and turned to Anthony. "I suppose I'll see you tonight Lord Bridgerton? Give Daphne and your mother my regards"

"Which should I wear, Mama?" I asked, running my fingers along the choices Mama had set out, there was a beautiful orange, a red (A bit improper if I do say so myself) and another Sapphire blue.
"Well, if we are to keep 'on theme' of the season. Then I believe we should wear the sapphire blue." Mama said.
"I suppose" I responded. "Charlotte, will you assist me with the corset?" I asked, picking up the white corset. I sucked in a quick, sharp breath as she tightened the strings in the corset.
"Lady Hampton?" Marie said. "The carriage is here"
"Thank you Marie," Mama said, she took out a pair of silk white gloves and white heels, I put them on eagerly wanting to not be late.

I stepped out of the carriage, steadying myself on the hand of one of our coaches. "Thank you sir" I said, tipping my head slightly.
"It was my honour," He replied.
"Mama, the gardens, they truly are beautiful" I said, taking in the beautiful array of flowers of all different colors and shapes and sizes it was almost overwhelming.
"Yes I suppose they are," Mama said almost nonchalantly. "Our summer homes gardens are just as vast"
"Mama!" I scolded.
"Lady Danbury!" Mama greeted happily. Standing next to our dear Lady Danbury was the Duke of Hastings.
"Your Grace" I said to him, tipping my head slightly, he offered a slight tip of his head in response.
"This is the Lady Hampton I was speaking to you of, she is to be the next Duchess of Hampton" Lady Danbury said, she smiled at me kindly.
"I'm honoured truly Lady Danbury, but I must take my leave. I'm to meet Miss Daphne for a dance." I smiled. He's not bad looking, especially not for a pretentious Duke. Where was Daphne? I looked down at my shoes and began walking faster, hoping, praying that I wouldn't get stopped by anyone, let alone a suitor. Until, I was stopped by a solid wall of . . . you guessed it, a man. Oh but not any man of course not, it just had to be . . .
"Lord Bridgerton!" I say politely as I regain my composure after running into the Viscount I'd been seeking to avoid. "My apologies, I hadn't been watching where I was going, Im in a hurry" I said, ducking my head, hoping to get out of this easily.
"My apologies as well, do you know where Daphne is?" He asked, looking down at me.
"No, I was actually going to find her, we promised each other our first dance." I said, looking around the gardens, the flowers offered good cover if there were anything she wished to do. "Why?"
"I told her to whom I betrothed her too." He said, he put his hand on my shoulder to politely move me.
"What? Why would you make that choice for her?" I asked, this . . . this was ridiculous, how could any brother betroth their own sister and take away that choice?
"There were no callers, she would remained a spinster she could've-"
"Better a spinster than married to a horrible, disgusting, pig of a man" I exclaimed.
"Now I must find her" He said urgently. "I must urge her to seek sense in all of this."
"You must call it off," I begged. "You cannot do this to her."
"I gave him my word," Anthony hissed. "I am a man of honou-"
"Nigel Berbrooke is not" I snapped. "I am going to find her"
"There will be no need for that '' A deeper voice behind me says, I turn around and it's the Duke, with Daphne on his arm. I turn and smirk at Daphne. I know I'll talk to her later.

The party itself has been boring, dances from Lord Ambrose, multiple times actually. And still nothing but champagne flutes and boredom. But, at least the lords got to talk about their horses.
"Lady Hampton," Anthony said, walking to stand beside me.
"I do not wish to speak to you right now" I said, taking a sip from my flute. I pursed my lips and watched Daphne and the Duke glide together on the dance floor.
"It's not like you wish to speak to me anyways" He said bitterly, finishing a glass of champagne. "It seems as though you hate me" he turned back towards the dance floor.
"You infuriate me" I said through gritted teeth.
'Why? Help me so I may know" Anthony asked.
"Will you please just stop?" I mumbled.
"Then will you dance with me? If you won't talk to me, will you dance with me?" Anthony asked, reaching his bare hand towards my gloved hand.
"I suppose Lord Bridgerton"

-Authors note-
I suppose it might seem like I am taking things with them quickly, but I assure angst is in the realm so it seems fast but it is in fact very slow
With love (an angst)
Slythtpsq0c 💕

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