"Love makes us blind, It makes us a fool Sarafina"

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"Are you up for a promenade this morning dear? Your father's a bit under the weather and I figure more social interactions would be wonderful for you" Mama said as she was putting her earrings in. They were of course sapphires.
    "It looks terribly hot outside Mama" I said, not even bothering to look out the window. I did not want to deal with more revolting men, that stunk of course because why not?
    "You didn't even look out the window dear, So, how were the pickings at last night's ball?" She asked. I hadn't found her after the ball until the end where she and Violet Bridgerton were dancing together.
    I sighed. "They were truly awful. The only man there that managed to make me laugh and didn't smell like manure was the Viscount. That's sad don't you think?" Truth be told, I had been thinking about the Viscount Bridgerton, his little... what would you call it? A smile or a smirk? I laid back on Mama's bed, staring at the ceiling.
    "Well, I think it is safe to say that men these days were different from men when I was to be courted." Mama said, sitting down next to me. "Your father and I were married for political reasons as you know, I had no idea what love was, only that I knew Violet was incredibly in love with Edmund Bridgerton."
    "Yes, I know Mama, but I want a marriage of love, where we can honour each other, where we leave each other speechless, where we show our children what they deserve; love." I sat up and looked at Mama, she had pity in her eyes, why would she pity me for wanting something she never had?
    "Love makes us blind, It makes us a fool Sarafina"

    "The lake looks positively wonderful" Daphne said, clutching my arm. I reckon she wanted to start a conversation in order to uplift my mood, or to end the strange silence.
    "It looks cold," I said shortly.
    "Oh Sarafina, what is the matter?" Daphne sighed.
    "I've had no callers, Mama wants me to marry Colin Bridgerton, she believes I should marry for political pursuits and calls the dream of love a fool's work" I said, I adjusted my glove slightly. "I'm upset because, Lady Bridgerton married for love and look at her, she's happy, she's got children she loves. And Mama is in our home hardly talking to my Father."
    "Oh Sarafina," Daphne said as she pulled me in for a tight hug. "We will both remain unmarried until we find someone deserving of us, someone who will love us as we deserve." She said, I smiled.
    "It will be so" I said, my unease wasn't entirely gone, but severely diminished. I cleared my throat as I saw Colin Bridgerton approach, I raised my eyebrows at Daphne as she smiled.
    "Daphne, would you mind if I were to steal your friend for a moment?" Colin asked, smiling at me and raising his brow at Daphne. She unhooked her arm with mine and said;
    "I wouldn't mind at all"

    "Well, how are you today Miss... Hampton?" Colin asked, looking straight ahead.
    "Please, call me Sara" I said, trying to smile. There's nothing wrong with Colin, I just don't feel it, not like I did with... Anthony? Good God. "I'm feeling well today, and you?" I asked, 'pleasantry is a woman's greatest weapon' Mama always used to say, she's not wrong but it is an awful burden.
    "Wonderful. Sara... How are you liking the weather?"
    "It's awfully hot outside" I offered, this was getting quite boring, really quickly.
    "Yes, I suppose it is." He said, looking at the Featheringtons, of course. Miss Thompson.
    "Oh dear!" I exclaimed. "Mama is calling me, I must go" I said, lying obviously, but I unhooked my arm from Colin's and practically bolted back towards Daphne.
    "Miss Hampton, might I ask who you are running away from?"
    "No you may not" I said briskly, I can not stand this.
    "Excuse me?" It was Anthony. Bridgerton of course.
    "You are excused" I said, not turning around, I did not have time for this. Well, to be quite frank, I had all the time in the world. But Anthony doesn't know that, does he? No.
    "I command you to stop," Anthony shouted. I stopped right in my step, command me?
    "You dare try to 'command me'? I am to be a duchess and you? A viscount?" I snapped.My patience had been growing thinner and thinner all morning. He stared at me, his mouth open? Good god. "Close your mouth you might as well be fly catching Lord Bridgerton"

-authors note!-
The sass is real with Sarafina this morning, what do you think? Is love a fools games?
With love 💕

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