Chapter 5

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Still Ao Tamashī's POV
Sun's rays are burning my eyes, waking me from my great slumber. I woke up to see the red ninja infront of me, lighlty snoring and...sleep farting :P. His right hand, grasp on my left. While his left hand on...MY CHEST?!?! I used my water bending skills to send 'dirt water' (its not mud) to his face, making him have a morning heart attack. He glared at me and shouted.

''WHAT THE JUICE?!?! WAKING ME UP BY SPLASHING ME DIRT WATER?!?!" He stood up and dry himself like what 'normal' people do, shaking it off. I rolled my eyes as I used my water bending skills to remove the water from him, making him all dry up. He stared at me as I smirked.

''What? Never saw someone as beautiful as me?'' I asked him sarcastically. He turned around blushing. ''You know what? How many times do you put make-up on in a single day?'' I asked him as he punched me on my arm, making me chuckle. We jumped through rooftops for hours till his tummy rumbled. He told me to stop cuz he's tired from all that running and that he's hungry. I looked inside my bag and search for food and luck came to me. I saw a ham and bacon sandwich neatly packed inside a plastic container. I gave the sandwich to him as he gave me a curios look.

''Wait, you're not going to eat?'' he asked me. I shook my head. When he's already chewing the sandwich, I told him that it expired last week. He spit it out as I laughed while I think of an antidote till a light bulb lit up on top of my head. After he finished eating, I dragged him toward McFist Industries, and what I mean drag I mean his butt is on the ground, sparks litting up till there is fire. He looks at his poor butt and said with drama.

''Dont worry buddy, I wont let her drag you again,'' I used my scarf to drop us down, slowly above McFist and Viceroy.

''This antidote will be kept inside this secret compartment behind your picture,'' Viceroy said while putting the antidote inside the compartment and locking it inside as he hid it behind the picture. McFist said that Marci is waiting for him at the lobby as they went out. We dropped ourselves to the ground and took off the picture revealing letters. Ugh, I hate passwords. I tried many times but failed. He sats on the ground, just watching me do all the work. Ninja? No. McFist? No. Viceroy? No. Marci? No. MarciMySugarBoo? No. UGH! Ok...breath in, bad breath out. ViceroyTheSmartestAndMostHandsomeHumanBeingInTheWholeUniverse? BEEP! The door opened as I facepalmed. Really? Should've known he's the mastermind, ahehe. The door opened as I reached for the antidote. I sprayed on the sticky substance as it started to melt. I can feel my hand moving free and that the other ninja's hand is lying on the ground. I kept the antidote as we went out of the industries.

''So...'' he said, stopping in his track.

''What?'' I looked back at him, my arms crossed.

''Was there something wrong I did to you that made you all angry to me?'' he asked as he grasped on my hand, worry in his eyes.

''So you still dont know?'' I asked, slapping off his hand off me. I can see question marks above him.

''Know what?'' I cant believe he still doesnt know about it *slaps face real hard*

''To a ninja as pathetic as you, you didnt know about the legend?''

''What legend?'' but after that, I disappeared, leaving him on top of a building, filled with questions.

Theresa's POV
After the whole robot case yesterday, Randy didnt came back. Howard said that he has to go somewhere, leaving his bag to him. I should probably go to his house to check if he's ok since its already dismissal. I walked down the stairs as I saw Kayz.

''Hey Kayz, where have you been?'' I asked as she looked at me with a smile on her face.

''I got locked inside the girls' comfort room,'' she said as she turn her eyes to Bash. I nodded in agreement as I asked her if we can visit Randy. She grinned at me and nudged my elbow.

''Whaaaaaaaaat?'' I asked her.

''Oh, I dont know. Maybe its because you're visiting you're BOYFRIEND!!!'' she shouted as I covered her mouth. My face burning up. We just continue to talk about random stuff till we got to Randy's house. I knocked softly but no one answered. I knocked again, still none.

''Here, let me try,'' Kayz said as she knocked and called out Randy's name. Randy opened the door as he scratched his neck and smiled.

''Hehe, sorry, I was listening to loud music,'' he explained as he let us in. I looked at Kayz and asked her on when did she have the confidence to call out to guys? She said to me that back at her neighborhood, her friends always force her to call out a guy friend of theirs which explains that she is already into it.

Randy's POV...earlier
I ran back home and got changed into clean clothes and ate. After that, I went to my room and talked to the Nomicon.

''Nomicon, what is the legend Ao Tamashī is talking about?'' I asked desperately. I tried opening it but it wont budge. I thought of...wait, where is my bag?! I remembered that I left it with Howard as I called him.

Me: Hey bro, is my bag still with you?

Howard: Yes, want me to bring it to you at your house?

Me: Sure

Howard: K, B there

After that, he hunged up. I heard someone shouted my name as I went downstairs to open the door. Kayz and Theresa standing behind it.

''Hehe, sorry, I was listening to loud music,'' I lied. ''So what makes you girls go all the way here at my house,'' I asked them.

''Well, our legs brought us here so yah,'' Kayz replied as I just rolled my eyes. ''For real, Theresa just wants to check on her cute gummy bear if he's alright,'' she continued. I turned to look at Theresa ,who is a blushing mess, and smiled at her.

''Kung mahal niyo na talaga and isa't isa, aminin nyo na,''she said.
(Translation: If you really loved each other, just admit it)

''What?'' Theresa and I said in unison.

''Oh nothing, hehe,''

A knock was heard as I opened it to reveal Howard with my bag. We talked and chat all day till its time to go. Everyone say their goodbyes and went to our own ways.

Ao Tamashī's POV
Just pouring the antidote in my ninja balls or in other words, making new weapons. Its been a long time the ninja has been...well, a ninja, but he still doesnt know about the whole legend...well atleast I wont have to compete with him though I still have to tell him the whole legend :P. After pouring the antidote, I slammed myself on my bed. I looked at the stars on my window till tears started rolling down my cheeks.

''Its just unfair...''

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