Chapter 12

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Thursday Morning, no rain is falling~ lel XD
Randy's POV
Walking to school while easing the pain on my sprained foot. I went to my locker till I saw a crowd of boys shouting and whistling. What's happening? I squeezed myself through the crowd and once I'm in the middle, I saw a girl with a blue and black checkered blouse, black tank top, and white shorts. Guess who? Its Kayz. The bell rung, signaling that classes will start soon. The guys slowly went to their classes as they said ''Goodbye hottie,'' ''See you later, beautiful,'' and many more. They are right, she does look hot with the outfit. She snapped a finger in front of me as I snapped back to reality.

''Yo Randy, classes starts in a few mins,'' she told me as we walked to our first class...

Le skip da lunch...sorry, i'm just lazy as eff.
Kayz's POV
Just chillin with meh buds when...I felt something went out of my...oh no. Randy and Howard said that they'll just go buy food. I stood up from my seat when Theresa pulled me down to sit back again.

''Kayz, can you say have a small red stain on your shorts...'' she said very quietly. My face heat up in embarassment. The guys soon arrived as we excused ourselves to go. I walked backwards to the wall then started walking sideways. At least our sit is near the wall. They asked me why my face is as red as a tomato while I just smiled nervously in return. I walked sideways faster till I'm at my locker. I grabbed a napkin and another pair of underwear and white shorts. Closing my locker and walking sideways again as I went to the C and to the R.

A few mins later, the bell rang as I just went to my next class...without eating anything...

Sorcerer's POV
It has been years since I have been trapped into this underground chamber. Contacting my two minions (lel, BANANA!!!) to know what evil plan has been set to the ninja. Seeing them just lollygagging around is sickening me.

''What are you two doing?!?!'' I shouted, alarming the two that I have seen them throwing a frisbee. They hid the frisbee as they looked at me.

''Well?! Do you have another plan on destroying the ninja?!'' I asked-shouted them. Viceroy said that his invention or may I say McFist's 'invention' still need some time to get it to work as I commanded them to work faster. I can sense that the Silver Ninja have come and that he's still not ready to face me. Once many has been turned into monsters, I'll have the strength and power to get out of this chamber and rule the world...(muahahahahahaha).

Randy's POV
I'm already here, outside her house, with my ninja mask and knocked 3 times. She opened the door as I saw her already wearing the mask.

''Ready to train?'' she asked me when I looked at my sprained foot. She facepalmed and kneeled down.

''Until now, you didnt thought of using the art of healing?'' she asked as I mentally facepalmed. Never thought of that. In just a few seconds, my foot was healed. Thanking her as we went to the edge of the cliff. She told me to hold my ground when the ground turned into a wave, leading us down. Once we're at the bottom, the wave turn flat as we went inside the forest she made. She did a wonderful job on doing it cuz it's so BRUCE!!! A little while later, a bush from my right side rustle as I got into my fighting stance. She told me to relax as she went to the bush and carried...a baby lion?!

''Ash?! You do know thats a baby lion right?!'' I exclaimed as she told me to chillax.

''Dont worry, I'm the one who drew this,'' she said. Wait, she drew that?!

''You must be asking yourself on how does this baby lion turn alive if its only made by paper, am I right? Well, using the feather that Firsty gave me, my drawings can turn to reality,'' she explained and who's firsty?

''Firsty is the first ninja, its my nickname to him,'' Wow, her observation skill is very advance. She carried the baby lion till we reached the middle of the what I think it is. She lets go of the lion as it ran off. She told me to stand next to her as the ground starts to shake when we started to go down, its like going down in an elevator. When we reach at the bottom, my eyes widen with bruceness. A kind of secret lair was set with punching bags, dummies, barbells, weapons on shelves, 4 waterfalls crashing on a kind of pond that surrounds the training/fighting grounds, vines and leaves on the corners of the 'lair', gray brick walls with a few green moss on its sides and a white glowing stone on the ceiling, lighting up the whole room.

''Looks enchanting, right?'' she asked. I nodded my head as we crossed a mini red japanese-like bridge. The entrance was covered already with dirt as I went to a waterfall, feeling tiny droplets hitting my body.

''Oh yeah, after training, you can drink the water,'' she said as I put my hands in the waterfall and drink. The water is refreshing, I can feel its coldness running down inside my body.

''Spirit Water, glistens even if there is no light. You can feel it refreshing your entire body, yes?'' I nodded as I drank some more when she pulled me away from it. I pouted as she told me that I can only drink AFTER training which is a bummer.

''Oh yah, do you even lift those?'' I asked while pointing at the barbells. She nodded as my jaw dropped. Should I be the one lifting those and not her? Maybe. The ground shaked when we turn our heads to the entrance, seeing Plop Plop and First Ninja. We greeted each other as they told us that they're here to see us train. Nodding in agreement till Ash said that training starts now...

Kayz's POV
Theresa and I are at her house as she apologized on what happened a while ago.

''Girl, its ok. Just dont force me to wear something white when it comes to shorts or jeans, ok?'' we fist bumbed as she told me to feel at home. Her house is big and simple. A while ago, Randy hurried back home which I knew the reason why while Theresa doesnt. She went back with 2 plates with 2 slices of cake. We ate it as we had our little chit chat when she asked something that shocked me.

''Do you think that I have a chance with Randy?'' she asked as I nodded.

''Of course, you do know that Randy is easy to fall for you, right?'' She giggled while agreeing. Randy has been blushing whenever 'something' happens.

''Do you think that...he likes me back?''


''How me back?''

''Theresa, stop thinking negative gurl. Dont worry, I'll help you on getting his heart,'' I told her while winking. She blushed a bit as she held her pinky.


''Promise,'' I said while wrapping my pinky around her pinky.

''As your friend, its my responsibility to make you happy at all times now I need to go,'' I told her after looking at her wall clock, 7:30. We said our goodbyes as I went back home. I asked myself, Does Randy really loved her? Or has he fallen to somebody already? I never wanted to hurt a friend of mine's feelings, and I mean N-E-V-E-R. Once I got home, many ideas on how to make Randy and Theresa closer flooded my mind. I decided to set my alarm a little early so that I'll have many time to prepare. Now let the falling begin...

Randy's POV
Its 10:35pm. Training is done as I drank some water when someone pushed me. I stumble toward the pond as a big splash was created. I looked at the one who pushed me as I glared at First Ninja.

''Going swimming aye?'' he asked as he started to laugh. I held my hand toward him as he grabbed it. I pulled him toward me as he also started 'swimming'. We laughed and got out of the pond. Ash saw us and rolled her eyes. She used her water bending skills to dry both of us. We all went to the 'elevator'. Going up and seeing the sky filled with stars. I told them goodnight as I got shloomped back to my room. Getting to my bed as I sigh. 'What adventures await me tomorrow?'

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