Chapter 6

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Randy's POV
Sitting in Science class, my chin on my hand while Mr. and Mrs. Driscoll teach. I'm totally not in my zone right now. I'm still curious about the whole legend that Ao Tamashī didnt really explained. My gaze went to the window when Mrs. Driscoll called for my attention.

''Mr. Cunningham, if you're just gonna daydream of who knows what, you may continue it at detention,'' she said while handing me a detention slip. I groaned as I went to detention. Mrs. Driscoll is right, I M gonna continue my 'daydream' about the legend. Maybe its all about me...IM THE LEGEND? Nah, thats imposibble. Was it that there will be a new edition of GravePuncher? No. Or was it that there will be a... No. Or was it... No. Ugh! I have to know what it is! Suddenly, a loud roar was heard outside as I took a peek. Its stanked Bucky. I am alone in the room since Ms. Wickwhacker went to the comfort room. I looked at my bag, opened it and started to search for my mask...wait...oh, no, no. HOW CAN MY MASK BE GONE WHEN ITS ALWAYS INSIDE MY BAG?!?!... EVEN THE NINJA NOMICON?!?! This is so not bruce, IM GONNA GET SHOOBED!!! I looked over the window to see 'her' fighting it like how can I fight without the mask? Even SHE cant fight without her mask...does she?

After seeing her finish the job, she smashes her smokebomb and disappears, leaving the people cheering for her. What the juice! Thats supposed to be my cheers! I slammed my head on the window multiple times till it began to ache. What am I gonna do?!?! I cant find my mask nor the nomicon anywhere. I buried my face on my bag, telling myself negative messages. Its just so...UGH!!!

''You do know that telling yourself negative messages will not change anything nor find your mask or nomicon, right?'' I jumped out of my chair and saw Ao Tamashī sitting on the desk.

''Why are you even here? Should you be at your class or something? And how did you know that I'm the ninja?'' I asked her as she chuckled.

''Pfft, like who says Im studying here? I'm an outsider, I'm a trespasser. Besides, I just need my observation skills. I have heard your voice and also your friend who you have been talking to through your cellphone, it didnt took long for me to find you guys and I also have a message to our enemies that they should use their common sense,'' she said while getting off the desk then pulling something out. ITS MY MASK AND THE NOMICON! HOW? WHEN?

''And by the way, looking for these?'' she asked while holding it near me. I was about to get it when she put it inside her suit.

''If you want it have to catch me,'' Is she serious? Me chasing her? A normal guy chasing a ninja girl? She's acting like a total wonk though I didn't notice that I'm already chasing her. She's fast SINCE she has the mask. I'm already getting tired of her being a total wonk to me. I was about to shout at her when she's already out of sight. My detention hours is done so I decided to just fix my things and go home since its already dismissal. Who could she possibly be? If ever that I'll find it all out, I'll spread it all over the campus even if I had broken a rule of being a ninja. Besides, I know she schools here, I just need to use my common sense and observe but I have to get my mask first so that words will be believe cuz its really from 'the ninja'. I saw my gang passing by as I ran to them.

''Hey guys!'' I greeted them. My bro and I did our complicated (on what other people said) fist bump while I high fived a Theresa and normal fist bumped Kaytlin. ''What happened a while ago? I heard that there's a monster again,'' I asked them. They told me that the red ninja never came though the blue one is there.

''Oh yah, Kayz just got lost because of the crowd a while ago when everyone is panicking,'' Theresa said.

''1st of all, I often gets lost in crowds. 2nd, they are pushing and pulling me yah know,'' Kayz said aa she crossed her arms. Thats funny, she OFTEN gets lost in crowds? Or was it that she goes somewhere to put on her mask and zoop, she turns into the blue ninja. Before I jumped to conclusions, when its her first day here at school, the blue ninja is not here but the next day, there she is. Kayz's and Ao Tamashī's personalities are not the same though Kayz might be just being all fake-y nice so that her cover wont be blown. I now know who she is. Now I just need to get my mask and the nomicon.

''Earth to Randy,'' Howard waved his hand on my gaze, taking me back to reality. ''The girls said that they should go before their curfew and PS, where are you when the monster is here?''

''The blue ninja, as what I assume is Kayz, took my mask and the nomicon,'' I can see Howard's eyes widen.

''SHE'S THE NINJA?!?!" he reacted as I shushed him. We're now walking to Howard's house as we reached their, we went pass Heidi and went to his room and looked it.

''As what I assume she is, it all makes sense why she 'often gets lost' in the crowd. Besides, when its her second day here at school, the blue ninja came. Also, every good side has its own bad side,'' I quoted. ''After getting back my mask and nomicon, I will tell Heidi ,in ninja form, to form a crowd that will trap her then I will get into the scene then tell everyone the bad things she did to me and that she's the blue ninja,'' I can sense that Howard is shocked of my decision.

''But bro, isn't that breaking the rule: When a ninja is known, its hard to be unknown something like that and, isn't it a little bit of crossing the line?'' he asked.

''Nope, besides, she's the first one to cross the line,'' I told him as I said that I should go before curfew.

Ao Tamashī's
Im home once again. I took out his mask and the nomicon as I put it on my bedside table (the table beside the bed, gets?). The wind is strong and as cold as ice. I took off my mask, revealing my self with a blue tank top and black shorts. My long, short, deep, and shallow training and battle scars are seen. He doesnt even know what I have been through those past years. He's doesnt even have the responsibility and courage to even own it. My scars means achievement and mostly...pain. He just started being a ninja for like this year while I started like many years ago. I might be a girl though I have guts but...a true ninja do whats right for his people even if its a matter of life and death. I opened up my ninja nomicon and flip through its pages. I stopped when a message caught my attention.

''Its better to accept the fact than to force the false,'' I said it out loud as I sigh. 'I guess I just have to accept the fact that its not for me,' Tears started rolling down my cheeks, joined with sobs and exploding emotions. 'I'll just accomplish this mission then I'm done, I can go back to my old life,' The thoughts of being a failure ran through my mind. I just wanted to be...a different somebody. A thought of apologizing and giving back his mask and nomicon came to my mind but its hard to earn someone's trust after crossing their line though its worth a shot...

On the streets...
I didnt wore my mask since most of the people should be sleeping right now instead of planning to get me. I ran to his house since I've been stalking him for days now. I climbed to his window and lightly opened it. I went inside and saw him sleeping soundly...while farting. Getting his mask and nomicon, I put it beside him. I wrote a 'sorry' note on a piece of paper and put it on top as I went back home.

Randy's POV
My alarm clock rang as I open my eyes. My eyes widen as I turned wide awake. MY MASK AND THE NOMICON!!! Thunder roared outside as rain started pouring harder. 'SUSPENDED! SUSPENDED!' I whispered-shouted-cheered when my mom shouted that classes were really suspended. I jumped up and down when I saw a piece of paper, it read...

'Dear Randy,
I know that it doesnt seem to be like me when I apologize to people...mostly to you. I'm very sorry for being a total wonk at you like everytime we encounter. I'm very sorry for taking away your mask and nomicon. I know that trusts are hard to earn back after giving you heavy difficulties. If ever we encounter again, I wanted to know if you have forgiven me or not, I dont care, I just need to know. I want to start over. I wanted to forget the past and kmow the future. Since I left you with curiosity a few days ago, I'll tell you all about the legend and the reason why I'm like this. Once again, I'm so sorry.
-Ao Tamashī'

She just said sorry to me. A tough girl like her, apologizing to me? That's just shocking though one question remains in my mind. Am I still gonna continue my revenge?

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