Chapter 9

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''Now my students, you are ready to join getting the mask and kicking everyones' butt in Norrisville!!!'' he shouted as his student cheered...

Ash's POV
Haaaa... Last night is so bruce! The thought of Randy in a pink fairy costume still remained in my mind, making me giggle a bit. I'm on the look out at the roof of the school, scanning the place. 'Nothing seems to be suspicious'. My stomach growled. I hadn't eaten breakfast yet cuz I forgot. I was training a while ago for 2 hours. The bell ring, signaling that its recess. I went to the cafeteria's window and saw Kayz and her gang, eating. My stomach grew louder at the sight of food. Good thing their table is near the window.

''Psst!'' I called out. She and her gang look toward me. I called out for Kayz to give me food as she nodded. Her gang, except for Randy, were just staring at me.

''What?'' I asked them. They continue eating their food as Kayz went back with a Taco. Her gang widen their eyes as they stopped her. She also got shocked when they shouted at her. She asked them why they stopped her from giving the taco to meh, I mean like my growling is already loud enough for them to hear. They just told her that she'll regret it when she knows so they wont tell her. I butted in the scene.

''If you wont tell her and me, then I should probably eat it right away,'' I told them as I snatch the taco away from Kayz. They raise their white flags as they told Kayz, which I just saw her shiver in disgust. Randy went near me as he whispered to me whats in the taco. They notice I didnt shiver which cause them to ask me why I didnt reacted when I heard about the ingredient. Well, my answer is...

''I have eaten squirrels before...'' They fake puked as they asked me why.

''Well lets just say that there will be a time when a ninja is tested to his survival skills. The main point of the test is to be close to nature. No gadgets, no wifi, no any modern technology. 2 weeks are given to accomplish the test. The forest is where you'll go. I have been bitten by spiders, snakes, and many more...and I think I said too much info,'' I said as they still shiver. ''Oh yah, I also eat rabbits,'' they fake puked again as I laughed. I took a bite from the taco and well...I wouldn't say that its delicious but I'll say that its ok. The bell rang as they stood up from their seats and went to their class. I went back to the roof and continue eating. Nothing bad nor strange things are happening. The sun is still high above the clouds. Birds chirping. Soft vehicles passing by. It all seem like a lullabye. I lay down on the roof till my eyes closed...

A loud BOOM awaken me from my sleep. Many people are already running toward the exit. Like cmon, I'm in the middle of my dream...or may I say nightmare. I used my scarf to swing me to a glass window. Kicking it, it shattered to pieces. There are many red ninjas...and I mean top to toe with what seems to be white tell you, I'm not that smart so just go with it. All the red ninjas looked at me as they started laughing. Do I look like a clown to them?

''Hey look! A ninja wannabe!'' Did they just?!?! Oh, they have crossed the line! I ran to them, kicking and punching their bodies till they're knocked out cold. I saw another one escaping as I grabbed him by his collar.

''Who are you guys and why are you here?!'' I shouted. His eyes widen and I could feel his jaw hanging wide open behind his mask.

''You're a girl?!?!'' he reacted. I wanted to kill this guy so badly, like isn't it obvious that I'm a girl cuz I have this ponytail at my back and chest arent that big, I'm quite flat chested, I use bandages to wrap it around to make it more flat. He told me that he was brought here by a guy named Mac Antfee. I pinch the side of his neck as he fainted. Ahh pressure points, it always work. I ran toward the clashing sound of swords and grunts of pain. Getting closer as I saw the ninja and what seems to be the guy named Mac Antfee, fighting. Mac Antfee pinned Randy to the ground as he held onto his mask. I kicked him on his side which send him flying to a wall, making a huge crack. Bad luck, he's holding the mask of Randy. Randy got out of his ninja form as Mac Antfee chuckled evilly.

''At last!!! The mask is mine!!!'' he shouted while raising his fist in the air with the mask. Randy looked at me with a worried look as I ran to Mac Antfee.

''Not if I can help it!'' I punched him and kicked him but nothing seems to work. He elbowed my side as I hold it with my hand. My rib cage is aching badly but then, I still ease the pain. I turned into my Ninja Cold Rage which reversed my suit's color. I bend the water to his feet and froze it, making him hard to move but he punched it which results to breaking. 'This guy is hardcore'.

Randy's POV
I just sat between their fight. No matter how many times Ash attacks, Mac Antfee dodges it. He smirks as he kicked her to her side. She grunted as I just sat there, doing nothing. He walks and kneels beside her.

''Poor little boy. You shouldn't just stay with mommy!'' Ouch! Thats just rude! I wanted to fight but something is stopping me. I dont know why nor what it is.

''Who says I'm boy...'' She kicked him on the face then pins him on the wall. She made an ice sword and point it at his neck. His eyes filled with shock.

''Thats impossible!!! A girl cannot defeat Mac Antfee! And ninjas are-''

''SHUT UP!!!'' She shouted at him which made him shut his mouth. ''LISTEN TO ME! IF YOU DONT GIVE ME THAT MASK, I SWEAR TO SLICE YOU IN HALF!" she shouted which made me a little scared of her.

''Make me!'' Mac Antfee fought back as Ash pushes her sword slowly down his throat. He grunted in pain as I saw a trail of blood on her sword and on his shirt. She stopped when his blood reached down to her hand. She removed the sword away from his throat as she kicked him, sending him to the ground. He released the mask as he started coughing up blood. She got the mask and kick it to me while I put it inside my bag, which is just right next to me. I just sat there while looking at the blood-covered floor. She grabbed him by the collar, lifting him up above her eye level.

''Get out!'' she told him as he nodded and told his ninjas 'retreat!'. They all exit the campus as the students crowded all around us. She went to me and ask me if I was alright.

''Yeah,'' I told her. She pressed my foot as I wince.

''Looks to me that you're not, cmon, lets get you to the clinic,'' she said as I wrapped my arms around her neck and my feet around her waist. A lot of people are staring at me as I hid my face at her back. She told the people to go back to their class as they did what she said. She must've felt that I was uneasy. She put me on the bed as she whispered to me.

''Meet me later at 8pm. In the nomicon, you'll see a small house with my name on the door. Dont forget, I'm gonna tell you the legend,'' she told as she perfume-bombed. The nurse started checking and wrapping my foot as she told me that I have sprained my foot. She asked me who are my friends so that they can help me on walking home as I told her...

Time pass by...
Howard said that he and Heidi need to go home really early for some reason so that leaves me with...2 girl. My arms are at their neck. I tried not to blush on the fact that I'm with my crushes. The whole trip to my house is quiet, no one spoke a single word. I turn to look at Theresa who is looking at me a while a go when she looked away, blushing. I turned to look at Kayz who is just looking straight on the path. Ugh! Why is it so hard to choose? Once were here at my house, I told them that I can handle myself already and stuff like that as they went back home. I went to my room and open up the nomicon as I got shloomped inside.

I landed with a thud as trees surrounded me. She told me that I should search for a small house that has her name on the door. My foot aches when I take a step. I snapped the branch of a tree and use it for me to walk. Once I'm out of the forest, I saw a house near a cliff. I walked toward it and look at the door. 'Ao Tamashī' was written on it by ink (look at the pic above). I knocked 3 times when someone opened the door...

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