Chapter 7

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(YES! My fav number! Ok thats it, lel)

Kayz's POV
After the whole storm yesterday, it turn out to be very fair and sunny today. My morning has been great cuz Skullix just made me bacon and rice for breakfast (Yammie! xD). My emotion is highly positive, I hope the rest of the day will be great like maybe my quizzes are high, the food at the cafeteria will be great, or best, no monsters cuz I might get lost in the crowd again, hehehe. When I went in the campus, many people are staring at me while whispering something to each other. Well thats just weird but still I smile. I opened my locker and put my stuff in then after that, I closed it. I looked back and saw a crowd of people trapping me. Whats happening? Soon the red ninja 'Fart Bombed' infront of me as I inhaled its unpleasant smell. Coughing as he went a few steps back, away from me.

''Ok...guys you're freaking me out, whats goin on?'' I asked them, feeling uneasy.

''Oh you know why,'' the ninja said as I gave him a what-are-you-talking-about look.

''For real, I dont know,'' I said. He shrugged as he walked all around me.

''Stop acting like you dont know...Ao Tamashī,'' I got shocked on what he just said. He's gotta be pulling my leg right now.

''Ao Tamashī? Ninja, I think you have been mistaken for its not me,'' I said. I thought its going to be a positive day for me.

''Tsk tsk tsk, Kaytlin, Kaytlin, Kaytlin. Just tell us the truth that you're the blue ninja, that you're Blue Soul cuz I'm really getting tired of this. Im tired of you being such a wonk to me like what the juice did I did to you to be like this to me?'' he asked me. I dont know what he's saying. Is he accusing me on something I'm not nor I didn't do? Maybe? Probably? Yes?

''Look ninja, I'm not Blue Soul-''

''Then how would you explain to me that you 'often get lost' in crowds when a monster or robot ambushes the school? Are you going to hide to put on your ninja suit?'' wait...How did he knew those information? I only told them to my 3 closests friends here.

''Before I answer that, how would you explain to me that you know those info IF I only said it to my 3 closests friends?'' I asked him, my eyebrows high while my arms are crossed. Everybody 'ooooh'-ed as they stare at the ninja.

''That's because I had good ears and besides, I've already trapped you Blue Soul so just stop acting!'' he shouted. I can feel tears raining down my cheeks as I fought back.

''OH REALLY?! WHATS UR PROOF THAT IM BLUE SOUL?!" I asked him as I felt him smirked under his mask.

''Every good side has its own bad side. You're just being all nice just to cover up your ninja side. Your innocence hides a storm. You might be all happy with your friends but when it comes to me, you're a monster.'' Those words hit me, I can't help myself but cry in front of the people. Infront of the students, teachers, even McFist. But then, I felt someone patting me and shushing me. I turn to look who it is as I saw...

Randy's POV
I looked at her crying face when I hear foot steps. The crowd split into two as my eyes widen. No. It cant be. THERE CANT BE 2 AO TAMASHĪS?!?! She went infront of her as she patted her back and shushing her. I cant believe that I just made Kayz cried while at the same time, humiliating myself infront of people. Blue Soul wiped her tears away as she whispered something to her that made her eyes wide open and look straight at me. Oh no...did she just told her that I'm her friend or may I say...Randy? Kayz glared at me as she ran toward the exit of the school.

''Wrong observations can bring you to wrong decisions,'' she said as she slapped me hard.

''Accusing someone that he's the ninja and telling one's identity is one of the main rules of being a ninja just break it. I thought you are right for the position but it looks to me that, you're not. And in every wrong doing you do, there is always a consequence...'' she said as she smoke bombed, leaving me with many disappointed people. McFist is just there, all happy and positive. If I didn't just did my revenge, Kayz might be as happy and positive as McFist right now. Everyone went to their own ways as I smoke bombed. I felt so guilty. I decided to just go to my class.

When I came to class, the students are talking about the ninja, or in other words me. They told each other that I'm more of a jerk than Bash, that they thought that I just hurt one of my people when I should be helping or saving them. These negative words are stucked in my head. Its supposed to be history but changed into a subject called The Ninja Jerk. Howard gave me a slow shook of his head. Now my best friend? Now thats just great. When its lunch already, Theresa felt bad for Kayz as she suggest that we should all visit her but the problem is, will she let us in?

Back to Kayz
Im here at my room, having an existential crisis. When I get mad, sad, or depressed, I dont like talking to people nor have anyone around me...unless its my friends back at my place. I usually draw people dying, with blood and gore, ripped off limbs, and etc. It helps me pour out most of my anger. I cant believe that Randy would shout and accuse me like that. I decided to not go to school for the whole week to clear my mind or should I still come and just ignore my friends? Well who knows, todays friday so I still have time to plan.

''Malapit na nila malaman...''
(They almost knew...)

Back to Randy's
We decided to not visit her so that she has space. Once I got home, I talked to the nomicon about what happened and forced it to opened but it really wont budge. I said sorry multiple times but still no. I groaned and slammed myself on the floor while I repeat the word: Stupid.

''You do know you're hurting yourself, right?'' I looked at my wide opened window and saw Blue Soul. I stood up as I hugged her. I just need someone to stay accompany with. I let my tears slide down while soft sobs were heard. I got surprised when she hugged me and started to pat my back. She pushes me back a little, letting me face her. She pushes some hair away from my face as she started to wipe the tears away.

''You're probably thinking that I'm a weakling, arent you?'' I asked her while bowing my head. She lifts my chin up, looking straight in each others eyes.

''Crying doesnt make you a weakling, it makes you even stronger,'' she quoted. I smiled a bit as she told me to rest for now. I was shocked when she carried me bridal and tucked me to bed BUT what really shocked me is when she kissed my forehead. I can feel myself heat up as she told me sweet dreams and left.

'Maybe not all monsters are bad...' I said inside my mind as I slowly fell asleep.

Next day...
I felt great after sleeping. My mom called me to eat breakfast as I went downstairs.

Blue Soul's POV
Earlier today...
Just woke up at 3:35 am. I dont even know exactly why but yeah, just go with the flow. My now very messy hair is covering my face, making me look like a white lady since I'm wearing a light grey-ish shirt. I finger-combed my hair as I decided to just meditate outside. The wind came rushing through my skin, sending me shivers. I sat on the ground and made fire all around me to keep me warm. Closing my eyes as I relaxed... Its been a while since I closed my eyes. When I opened them, there was light. I heard the chickens cry which explains that its morning. I turn out the fire and went inside...

A/N, can I hear the 'awwwwwws' from you guys? (Me: awwwwwwwwwwwwwww...) next chapter will be posted later or tomorrow cuz I dont have any assignments nor anything to do so....bai peepz

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