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The night was unnaturally silent as Harshit stood in the heart of the forest, his eyes closed in deep concentration. The moonlight filtered through the dense canopy, casting an eerie glow on the ancient symbols carved into the ground around him. This was a place of power, a place where dark magic thrived.

Harshit's lips moved in a silent incantation, the words ancient and forbidden. He had spent years studying the darkest arts, preparing for this moment. The villagers of Umshing had wronged him, and now they would pay with their lives.

His mind drifted back to the night his parents were burned alive. He remembered the flames, the screams, the smell of burning flesh. The villagers had called it justice, but Harshit knew it was fear. Fear of the unknown, fear of the power his family wielded.

As his incantation grew louder, the ground beneath him began to tremble. Shadows twisted and writhed, taking on grotesque forms. Harshit opened his eyes, a cold smile playing on his lips. The time for revenge had come.


The village of Umshing lay quiet, its inhabitants blissfully unaware of the storm brewing in the forest. Harshit moved silently through the streets, his dark magic shielding him from prying eyes. He stopped in front of the village square, the place where his parents had been executed.

With a wave of his hand, the air around him shimmered, and a dark portal appeared. From its depths emerged creatures of nightmare: twisted, malformed beings that existed only to bring pain and suffering. Harshit watched with satisfaction as they spread out, their eyes gleaming with malevolent intent.


David and Rivaan sat in the basement, going over their plans. They had no idea that Harshit was already moving against them, his magic spreading like a disease. Rivaan looked up, his brow furrowed. "Do you feel that? Something's not right."

David nodded, his eyes narrowing. "We need to check the village. Something's happening."

As they emerged from the basement, they were greeted by chaos. The twisted creatures were everywhere, their claws and fangs ripping through flesh and bone. The air was filled with screams, the ground slick with blood.

David and Rivaan fought their way through the village, their weapons useless against the dark magic that fueled the creatures. They reached the village square, where Harshit stood, his eyes glowing with unholy light.

"Harshit!" David shouted, his voice filled with rage. "What have you done?"

Harshit laughed, the sound chilling to the bone. "I've brought justice, David. The same justice you brought to my family."

Rivaan lunged at Harshit, but he was thrown back by an invisible force. "You can't stop this," Harshit said, his voice echoing with power. "The village will burn, and everyone in it will die."

David's mind raced. They had to stop Harshit, but how? His magic was too powerful, his hatred too deep. As the creatures closed in, David knew there was only one chance.

He turned to Rivaan, his voice low. "We need to destroy the source of his power. The symbols in the forest. It's the only way."

Rivaan nodded, his eyes filled with determination. "Let's go."


The forest was alive with dark energy as David and Rivaan reached the clearing. The symbols on the ground pulsed with an otherworldly light, the air thick with malevolence. Rivaan moved to destroy the symbols, but a barrier of magic stopped him.

"We can't do this with brute force," David said, his mind working furiously. "We need to use the opposite of his magic. We need light."

Rivaan's eyes widened in understanding. "The old church. There's a relic there, a symbol of pure light. It might be enough to counter his magic."

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