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Hi there, lovely reader!

Since you've chosen to check out my story, I assume you're lovely, and since you're reading this, I also assume you're human. But then again, these days, you never know, do you? But I digress...

Before you dive into Love/Survival, I just want to give you a brief introduction. After all, we don't know each other.

A few words about me

I'm a published author. In Scandinavia. Under a different pen name. (Which includes letters that got me stopped in border control once. But that's a different story. Suffice it to say that you probably can't write my real name with the keyboard you have on your computer or phone...)

I usually write screenplays first. Then think about turning them into books. Yeah, that's weird. But then again, we all are. Right?

Although I hope to adapt Love/Survival into a proper novel one day, for now, it's a screenplay. Meaning that there might be a few things you want to know.

A few words about reading screenplays

Screenplays can be great fun to read! It's like watching a movie in your mind! Yeah, a bit like books in that way... 

Screenplays are always written in the present tense. 

They have scene headings telling you where stuff happens, and those scene headings are always in ALL CAPS. They may or may not be preceded by an INT. (for interior) or EXT. (for exterior). Only rarely will you see I/E, which means interior and exterior. Finally these headings often tell you when something is happening as well.

CHARACTER NAMES are also always in ALL CAPS. (You see what I did there?) and sometimes the lines characters say are interspersed with (parenthetical action). (I did it again...) Sometimes that action may be O.S. or V.O. ("off screen" or "voice over", meaning you hear but can't see the character speaking), sometimes it's a "beat" (a pause), and sometimes it's something that the character does while speaking.

Love/Survival - the series and the story

Love/Survival is the screenplay for the first pilot episode of an original (and unproduced as of this writing) TV series I've created, which is also called Love/Survival. (Surprise!) The first episode is completed, but the series is not. I hope you like it. And like, comment, and share it enough for me to write the rest of the season!

But now, let's FADE IN...


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