The SAR chopper lifts off to a whirlwind of dust and sand and dives into the night, just next to Cathy's car.


Cathy is in the driver's seat. Gazing out the side window at the chopper flying away, lights blinking in the dark sky.

Joel is next to her. Turns from the window and looks at her.

JOEL: Who are you?


JOEL: Who are you? Really?

CATHY (tries to play innocent): I... What do you mean?

He keeps his gaze on her. Nods toward the scene, where firefighters are dragging the cars apart.

JOEL: This car. The rifle. Out there just now. Where'd you learn all that?

CATHY: Oh, I don't know. Girl Scouts. Stuff Dad taught us.

JOEL: Girl Scouts?

Cathy grins sheepishly.

JOEL: I'm starting my second year with paramedics; I know this stuff. Girl Scouts? You looked more like a pararescue version of Black Widow.

Cathy giggles. Turns the keys—the engine roars to a start.

CATHY: C'mon, let's get you home to the real Wonder Woman.

Joel chuckles, shakes his head. This girl ain't real.


The Hunters and a diverse group of six others are standing around the table in their living room. The colossal map still covers most of it.

Mark is one of several guys looking a lot like they could be ex-Spec Ops operators. (Because they are.)

MRS. HUNTER: – so if Phoenix is hit by a ten-kiloton nuclear IED, that's –

MR. HUNTER: - twenty thousand killed, twenty thousand injured -

MRS. HUNTER: - with fallout estimated to a hundred rads per hour at fifteen miles out –

MR. HUNTER: – Logan, where does that leave us?

LOGAN (50s, bald and bearded, ex-CIA) puts a ruler onto the map.

LOGAN: Given a wind speed of twenty miles per hour and a ground detonation, you gonna have 'bout two, maybe three hours. Then you wanna get your suits on.

Everyone turns to Mark. He bends down and lays one of the hazmat suits on the table.

MARK: These suits give you great protection. But not from all things. And you have to use them correctly. Y'all ready for this?

Everybody nods and murmurs approvingly.

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