Cathy, now in a feminine leather jacket, skinny jeans, and dressed to impress. Feeling like a reluctant hooker but doing it anyway, she is hunting for a boyfriend.

She walks through a hallway with students passing by left and right. Stops in front of a reception desk underneath a big sign that reads: "STUDENT IT SUPPORT."

Lin appears behind the desk and smiles at Cathy.

LIN: How can I help you?

CATHY: Hi, uh, I was supposed to install the Canvas app, but I'm not quite sure how to do that.

LIN (not enthusiastic): Sure. Let me see your phone.

Cathy places her phone on the desk.

Lin stares at it like it's an alien species. (Because it is.) It's weird and rugged, unlike any other phone.

LIN: Okay... I need you to unlock it so I can have a look.

Cathy picks the phone back up, wipes a strand of hair from her face, and almost strikes a pose in front of it.

Lin looks at her, still not impressed.


hidden from Lin's point of view. It runs A LOT of biometric scans of Cathy's face before unlocking automatically.


reaches forward, hands her phone to Lin. Her jacket raises a little as she does, revealing bruises around her wrists.

Lin notices. Smiles anxiously.

Cathy smiles back innocently.

LIN: So... it's Android-based, but it's not a version I have seen before... Where did you get this thing?

She stops short. Looks up at Cathy.

LIN: You don't have Google Play?

CATHY: Uh, I guess not...?

LIN: What's your email?

CATHY: Uh, I don't have one.

Lin stares at her again. Like she fell off the moon.

CATHY: I mean, I have one, but I don't have it on my phone. Yet.

Joel stops by, apparently working there as well. Smiles at the girls. Gets a very friendly smile from Cathy in return.

JOEL (to Lin): You want me to take that?

Lin gazes at him. No way she wants him near this girl.

LIN: No, I got it. Just a very weird phone.

JOEL: Sure thing. Just thought you had that meeting with Mr. Harris –

LIN: – fuck! (looks at her wristwatch) This is going to take you ages, it's a dinosaur –

JOEL: I'll get it, just go. (to Cathy) Hi, c'mon in...

He opens the door and lets Cathy inside.

LIN (whispers to Joel): You look more at the girl than the phone; I'll bury you.

JOEL: Girl, relax!

He gives Lin a quick kiss on the cheek. She studies him, still not convinced. Then she runs off.

Joel guides Cathy to an office in the back of the room.

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