Chapter XI

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The stars shone brightly above. Sariah sat on a barrel, reading over the diary pages with a lantern. She was by herself, the crew already turning in for the night. A few were still up, one taking over the wheel and the rest down below deck. She wasn't exactly paying attention when Cassian walked up. He leaned against the ledge, crossing his arms. "Are you always this much of a bookworm?" He asked with a teasing tone. She tilted her head to the side. "Are you always so annoying?" She raised an eyebrow, setting the pages down. "Still feisty as ever." He smirked, stepping closer to her. He placed his hands on either side of her, leaning on his hands. "I thought you liked feisty?" She smirked, tilting her head slightly. He leaned closer, their faces inches apart. "Oh I do, especially if it's from you." His eyes trailed down to her lips. She rolled her eyes. "Of course." She shook her head, a faint smirk still on her lips. She looked off to the side, turning her head. The wind blew through their faces, blowing her hair back. "Have you figured out the pages?" He asked, leaning back. "A little, I'm still trying to figure out where and what exactly is the second trial." She turned her head to the other side of her, looking down at the pages. "Second trial?" He raised an eyebrow. "Yes, the skeleton army was the first. We were meant to find the box." She looked up at him, their eyes meeting. "Ah, so it does pay to be greedy for treasure." He smirked, joking about their earlier conversation. She softly laughed, shaking her head. "Don't flatter yourself."

Cassian chuckled, liking the sight of the small smile on her face. "You shine so brightly, not even diamonds could compare." He blurted out. Her eyes slowly looked up at him again. "What?" Her voice softened. "I'm sorry, my thoughts are consuming my conscience." He cleared his throat, stepping back. She grabbed his wrist. "You never told me you had a way with words." She spoke. Cassian turned to face her again. "You never listened." He responded, taking a step closer. "Maybe you didn't give me the chance to." She whispered, her lashes fluttering. "Would you say I'm a charmer then?" He asked. She nodded. "Something like that." She softly smiled. He smiled back, leaning closer. "Then let me enlighten you." He whispered, his hand slowly brushing against her hand. "First, you bat your eyelashes.." He playfully fluttered them, being silly. She softly laughed. "What else...lets see. Ah yes, give you a gentle smile. Got to make sure you know I'm listening." He gently smiled, her laughs contagious. She tilted her head slightly, grinning. "Am I missing something?" He asked, their noses brushing together. "Seems right on point." She glanced down at his lips. His hand slowly reached up to cup her cheek. "Good." He whispered before closing the gap. Their lips softly touched, a slow gentle kiss. Her hands found themselves holding onto his biceps. He pulled her closer, his other hand resting on her waist. After a moment, they both slowly pulled away. Their faces were still inches apart, blue mixed into gold. "I've wanted to do that since the moment I met you." He whispered breathy, in her ear. Just as he was about to lean in again, a voice interrupted them. "Sir, there's something you need to see." Mohan spoke, clearing his throat. Cassian stepped away from her, both clearing their throats. She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, hopping off the barrel. "I'll uh...leave you two to that." She gathered the pages, quickly walking off. Cassian watched as she left, his eyes softening. "Sir?" Mohan tilted his head slightly. "Right, lead the way." He followed behind Mohan as they walked below deck.

They sat at a table, Mohan displaying a map. "This is where Crimson was last spotted. They seemed to be following us." He pointed to a spot he marked. "There is no way they followed us through that storm." Cassian scoffed, taking a good look. "Yet, I think there's a spy on this very ship." Mohan spoke softly, not trying to bring attention to themselves. "How else do you expect them to know where we are?" He crossed his arms, leaning back. Cassian raised an eyebrow. "A spy? That's ridiculous." He shook his head. "Ridiculous or not, we are still being followed." Mohan said. Cassian sighed, rubbing his temples. "Fine, I want you to keep an eye out for things. Let me know of your progress when you find something." He stood up, walking back up the stairs.

The next few days had been hopeless for the search for the second trial. Sariah sighed, looking over the pages again. She was in the Captain's quarters at the desk. She had studied those pages nonstop. The doors opened, Akira stepping in. "Hey, the Captain asked me to check up on you." He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. She looked up at him. "How nice of him.." She grumbled, looking annoyed. After their little kiss, they haven't spoken to each other. Akira stepped closer, looking at the pages sprawled out. "It's so cool to see ancient writing up close." His fingers hovering over the pages. She looked up at him. "You can read it too?" She raised an eyebrow. "Yes, my mother used to teach me." He smiled, picking a page up. "Huh, never really met someone who knew how to read it." She crossed her arms, leaning back in the chair. "I can do more than read it. I also speak it." He looked up from the page. "Seriously? That's amazing!" She smiled, seeming excited. "Do you think you could do me a favor?" She asked. He shrugged. "Sure."

"I need some help deciphering some drawings." She slid a paper to him. "It would be my pleasure." He smirked, taking the page.

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