Chapter XVI

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The platform rocked, Mohan carefully climbing down. It titled towards a corner, making Mohan stumble. He quickly ran to the middle. The two looked up at Arien, watching as he climbed down slowly. There was a ladder on the other side of the cliffside. "Arien, you go first." Cassian said as Arien made his way to them. Arien nodded, slowly stepping before running to a corner. He jumped, grabbing hold on the ladder. The platform creaked, rocks rumbling below. "You next." He nodded to Mohan. Mohan made his way to the ladder, climbing up. The platform started to crumble beneath Cassian's feet. He quickly ran as it was titled. He jumped, catching himself. The platform fell into the dark abyss below. Cassian watched as it did, panting. Mohan helped him up, his heart still racing. "Remind me to never do this again." Cassian said, chuckling. They laughed, sitting down for a moment. Just like good ol' times. "We should probably find the others." Mohan insisted, standing back up. "Right." They continued through the doors, finally reaching a room.

Sariah observed the ancient writing around her. She was so fascinated by what they represented. They told stories of all that happened here during the rule of every king. The three walked through more corridors, Akira leading the way. Oxi and Sariah walked side by side. "I see you still carry my dagger I gave you." Oxi commented. Sariah broke from her trance, looking down at her belt. "Oh, I forgot to give it back." She grabbed it, handing it back. Oxi shook his head. "Keep it." He said, closing her fingers around it. She tilted her head slightly. "It's yours." She insisted. Oxi smiled. "I said to use it when you need to. I intended for you to keep it."

Sariah smiled at him. "You know, you've been a great friend this whole adventure." She said, looking up at his eyes. "Louie." Oxi responded, looking forward. "Louie is my real name." He looked down at her again. She smiled again, liking how he was opening up. "Louie it is then." She nudged his arm. Oxi chuckled, rubbing his arm. "Hey, you might want to see this." Akira interrupted. He stopped at a doorway, stepping out onto a platform. It was plastered in gold and marble. Their eyes widened, looking at the piles of gold. "We found it!" Exclaimed Sariah, her eyes wandering all over the place. Across the room were the other three, Cassian, Mohan, and Arien. Akira waved, catching their attention. They all rushed down the stairs, meeting in the middle of the room. Sariah looked up at Cassian, unsure of what to say. "Are you alright? I was worried about you-.. All of you." He cleared his throat. "Yeah, we're fine." She nodded. "Good." He smiled.

"Would you two just kiss already?" Arien butted in, crossing his arms. The others agreed with a laugh. The two looked at them and then back at each other. "Um...soo.." Cassian started. "Don't you even think about it." Sariah interrupted, rolling her eyes. She walked off, looking around for the family heirloom. "We should focus on finding that necklace." Cassian ordered, nodding to them. They split up again, searching the room. Arien walked around, spotting the several piles of gold coins. He couldn't help himself as his hand reached for a coin. Sariah saw this, grabbing his wrist. "Don't." She moved his hand away. "This is cursed treasure, if you touch any of this you'll be eaten alive." She warned, letting go. "Let me guess, locusts will come swarming in. Trying to eat the flesh off our bones?" Arien scoffed, acting too cocky. Cassian stepped in. "She's serious." He crossed his arms. "Pfft-, yeah okay." He rolled his eyes.

Just then, loud rumbling noises echoed through the room. A faint flapping sound kept getting louder. Sariah turned her head, seeing a giant locust sitting on a gauntlet. Her eyes widened, her heart picking up the pace. "Take cover!" She yelled, grabbing Cassian's hand as she rushed behind a stone table. The others took cover as locusts came swarming in. Sariah looked up in horror. She looked to her right, spotting Oxi dropping a coin from his pocket. She gasped, a hand covering her mouth. "Louie!" She yelled, trying to get to him before the locusts. "Sariah!" Cassian grabbed her, holding her back. "No!" The locusts came swarming towards Oxi, his screams of pain echoed through her ears. She broke free from Cassian, taking a torch on the wall. She rushed over, blazing the torch at the locusts. The locusts flew away temporarily. Sariah dropped the torch, crouching down to Oxi's battered body. Flesh was torn from his body, causing her to wince. Oxi looked up at her, tears welling in her eyes. "I wanted to bring something back for my family. I-..I'm sorry." He whispered, hoarsely. " knew about the treasure." A tear rolled down her cheek. "I'm sorry...Sariah.." He closed his eyes, his hand dropping. "Louie.." She whispered, watching as he took his last breath. The others watched from a distance, feeling heartbreak for the fellow mate and...friend. Cassian stepped closer to Sariah, placing a hand on both her arms as she rose. He turned her around, wrapping his arms around her. She sobbed into his chest, his hand petting the back of her hand. "It's going to be okay.." He whispered. "He knew...why did he touch it?" She sniffled, looking up at him. Cassian cupped her cheek, wiping her tears. "We need to move on for his sake." He pressed his forehead against hers. She nodded, calming down. The three others walked up to them, joining again. "I spotted something just up there." Pointed Akira. Sariah turned her head as Cassian let go. "It's the heirloom."

They rushed to a high pedestal, leaving Oxi's body to the locust. Sariah examined the heirloom, grabbing it. It looked more like a locket. She opened it, reading the ancient text inside. "Break the bounds torn by greed, taking the locket of the sea. There will lie the treasure you truly seek, just beyond the desert is where you'll succeed."

"What does that mean?" Asked Cassian. "We have to venture to the desert. Wherever that is." She closed the locket, putting it in her bag. 

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