Chapter IV

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"The king asked many sorcerers to create different trials.To protect the cursed treasure." Sariah finished, looking up at him. "But, it is said the witch left an important item in the treasure room. A family heirloom, a necklace. It is also said that this heirloom can be used to break any other curse except its own curse. The most valuable item that anyone would want their hands on. That's why many pirates like you die trying to find this treasure." Cassian thought for a moment, stepped back. "So you're trying to tell me it's useless?" He raised an eyebrow. "Don't think so little of me, I am fully aware of these..trials." He rested a hand on his hip. "Then you also know that what you're doing is suicidal. Do you really want to risk the lives of your men as well as your own for some cursed treasure you can't even touch?! You pirates are all the same, greedy for things you cannot have." She stepped away, turning to walk away. Cassian quickly grabbed her arm, stopping her. "I don't appreciate the way you assume so much of me, merely because I'm a pirate." His eyes narrowed, yet his face still showed softness. "And I don't appreciate being taken from my home, yet here we are...Captain." It was like she was using his title as an insult. She yanked her arm away from his grip. "I'm sure your crew is wondering where you are." Sariah stepped away, leaving the ship. It was surprising that Cassian didn't order someone to follow her, mostly because he knew she would come back. And Tarlo is a small town, can't really escape to anywhere. "Ugh! Pirates are minded!" She kicked at a rock, sending it flying into a wall. Most of the men went straight to a tavern, getting a taste of good ol' rum. A man stood outside the place, leaning against the wall. He seemed bored, watching as Sariah went by. "Whoa there firecracker, where do you think you're going?" He asked, walking up to her. He followed right beside her. "Leave me alone." She mumbled under her breath, trying to ignore him. "I don't have time to argue with you again Cas-.." She stopped, looking over at the man. "You're not the Captain." She looked up at him. "Uh, no? I'm Akira CapBell, the navigator." He winked, pushing his glasses up. "Pleasure to finally meet you." He extended his hand. She shook his hand. "Are all the Captain's men so friendly? Besides himself..." She mumbled the last part. "We just know how to respect a lady, or at least I do. Can't really vouch for the others." He shrugged. "How come you're not inside with the others, I mean I assume most are inside drinking their nights away." She crossed her arms, looking at the tavern. "I usually would drink, but we have a ride ahead of us. Don't want to be all wobbly." He joked, nudging her arm playfully. "I could always have fun elsewhere." He tilted his head towards a building. Her head turned, reading the sign. "Runa's?" She questioned, looking back at him. "Wait a minute...I take back my compliment." She shook her head, realizing what he meant. "What for? I didn't even say anything." "Yet I knew what you meant." She rested a hand on her hip, softly laughing. Akira rubbed the back of his neck, awkwardly. He smiled, looking down at the cobbled ground. From the corner of her eye, she spotted a figure going into Runa's. She turned just as the door closed. "Does every member just go for a drink?" She asked, tilting her head slightly. "Mostly, come on." He gestured for her to follow, walking to the door of the tavern. Sariah followed, curiously behind him. They walked into the tavern, the doors swinging behind them. Laughter and glasses clinked together sounded through the room. Akira walked to a back table where Oxi, Arien, and Mohan sat. Oxi sat on the far left, crossing his arms. Arien was chatting to Mohan and joking around. Akiria sat down right beside Mohan. Oxi scooted seeing Sariah, making room for her. "Geez man! No need to push me." Arien exclaimed, scooting over as Oxi pushed him. Sariah sat down. "You're fine." Oxi rolled his eyes, taking a sip of his drink. Mohan turned his attention to Sariah, come to think of it. They haven't spoken since the night she was taken. That was....two days ago? "Seems we have a new member aboard our ship." He nodded respectfully. Arien looked over at her, raising an eyebrow. "Ah, this must be what the Captain was after." He smirked, resting his elbows on the table. "I'm Arien, the one who handles all the weaponry." He hiccuped, resting his jaw in his hands. Sariah raised an eyebrow, looking him up and down. "Pleasure." She was unamused, eyeing down the bottles. "The pleasure is all mine, love." He sighed, the smirk never leaving his face. She rolled her eyes, looking out at the crowd to ignore him. She watched the different people, observing their behavior. This was her first time being in a place like this, she was used to being around civilized people. In one corner was a man playing music on his little lute, people sitting around him singing along.

She smiled as she watched, they seemed happy. Different from the music she had heard, but she liked it. Oxi watched her, seeming curious about who she was. Their little moment was interrupted by the Captain walking to their table. He looked all serious, looking like he was getting a head count. She shot him a glare, still mad about earlier. Cassian ignored it, focusing on what was on hand. "I found a place to stay for the night, we leave early in the morning." He nodded, turning to Sariah. "And you're coming with me." He said, grabbing her by the arm. He lifted her up, despite her protests. "I can walk by myself." She tugged at her arm, following him out the doors. "I know, but it's better if I drag you. Time is not on our side at the moment." He smirked, his seriousness seemed to fade. She scoffed, tugging on last time. "What? You think I'll run away?" She raised an eyebrow. "You've tried that once, and where did that get you?" He looked back at her over his shoulder, seeming amused. "For your information, I was stuck on a ship in the middle of nowhere." "Yet you decided to stay on it instead of drowning or jumping into the water." He remarked. "Well..I-..ugh..." She sighed, giving up at this point. He chuckled, letting go of her arm. "I arranged a few rooms for some of my men to stay, that includes you." Cassian said, his tone more softer. They moved like shadows through alleyways, stopping in front of a door. "Why are you being so nice to a captive? Is it because you know that I know where this map is?" She questioned, bumping into the back of him as she wasn't paying attention. He turned, looking down at her. "That is one truth, but there's another reason." The sound of thunder roared in the distance. "And what is that?" She asked, their eyes meeting. He leaned closer, his fingers finding their way on her arm again. His touch was gentle, comforting in a way. Her heart pounded, along with her expression softening just a bit. "I-.." He was cut off by the door bursting open.

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