Chapter XII

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It took a few hours before they could understand it. "It looks like the second trial should be..." Sariah stopped, looking intently at the page. Her eyes widened, a hand placing over her mouth in shock. "What is it?" Asked Akira. "The second's..." Just then, the ship rocked violently. Yelling was heard outside as things sloshed around. "All hands on deck!" Mohan yelled. Sariah quickly got up, leaving the page behind. Akira followed behind her, looking confused. The doors burst open as she made her way over to Cassian. The water abruptly splashed, rocking the ship. All heads turned to the giant tentacle rising in the air before crashing down onto the ship. Sariah jumped back, separating the two. Dark clouds formed, thunder booming. The water bubbled, rising up a sea creature nobody could imagine. The Darkcyis....

Sariah looked up in horror. "We're doomed..." She spoke, walking backwards. The Darkcyis had the body of a squid and the head of an eel. The men readied the cannons, grabbing swords as more tentacles crashed more onto the ship. They sliced at the skin, making the creature screech. "Ready the lifeboats!" Cassian yelled, slicing through a tentacle. Sariah rushed, grabbing the pages and stuffing them in a bag. The ship rocked violently, causing her to stumble. Oxi found her, grabbing her arm. "Come on, we don't have much time before this ship is several feet under." He urged, dragging her. "Wait!" She yanked her arm away, rushing over to a page she missed. Just as her hand was about to reach it, a tentacle burst through the wood. She screamed, stumbling back. The tentacle shot out, grabbing her by the leg. "Oxi!" She called out, grabbing onto anything. Oxi rushed, cutting the tentacle in half. It screeched, slithering away. Sariah kicked off the remaining tentacle off her leg. Oxi helped her up, grabbing the page for her. She took it, shoving it in her bag. She quickly hugged him, her heart still racing. Oxi was a little stunned but wrapped his arms around her. He tried his best to provide comfort, knowing he wasn't the best at it. "Thank you." She whispered. Oxi nodded, waiting as she slowly let go. "Let's go." He said, giving her shoulder a reassuring squeeze as she nodded. They rushed through the doors. The ship was coming apart as the creature was wrapping around it. Rain started to pour, causing an eerie effect. "Over here!" Akira called over to the two, waving to the lifeboat that was ready. They rushed over, Oxi letting Sariah go first. Akira helped Sariah onto the boat, going in after her. Oxi untied the rope, climbing into the boat. Several boats departed from the ship, leaving it to be destroyed. They sat and watched from a distance as it crumbled in silence. Sariah's eyes wavered away from the scene, wanting to look elsewhere. They were stranded in the ocean, a long way from land. Some men took off their hats, honoring the men that didn't make it. Sariah sighed, looking down at the water beside her. Oxi sat on the other side, looking over at her. "You okay?" He asked, placing a hand on hers. She looked over at him, softly smiling. "I'm alright, just a little...confused, I suppose." She looked away again. "This whole adventure, if you want to call it that, has been very confusing. I understand with these trials, but is this treasure really worth risking our lives and our ship?" Oxi seemed upset, letting go of her hand. Sariah looked over at him, shocked he was acting this way. "I'm sorry you feel this way..but I-.." She reached out to him, her hand hovering over his hand. He jerked his hand, looking away. She sighed, moving her hand away. "Look!" Akira pointed to the distance. "It's land!" Every head turned. Sariah looked confused. "Land? How? We're in another dimension of sorts. There shouldn't be..-" She paused, amazed at what she saw. "A town?" She blinked a few times, tilting her head slightly.

The boats landed on shore, stepping out. Sariah turned her head, spotting Cassian and the others. She rolled her eyes, walking away as they approached. "Wait up!" Called Cassian, following behind her. "There is definitely something between them." Akira crossed his arms, the others watching them. Mohan chuckled. "Yeah, I definitely witnessed something a few nights ago." He smirked. "Seriously?!" Arien butted in. Mohan nodded, tilting his head. "They finally kissed?" Oxi made a comment. Akira's jaw dropped as Mohan gave them a look. "Ha!" Arien laughed, getting tickled.

Meanwhile with the two lovebirds, Sariah kept walking faster. "What's gotten into you?" Cassian asked, grabbing her arm. She turned around, her eyes narrowing. "Oh, so finally you talk to me?" She scoffed, yanking her arm away. "Did I do something?" He asked, softly chuckling. He was a bit confused. "You tell me." She crossed her arms. He tilted his head slightly. She huffed, shaking her head. "Nevermind.." She walked off, continuing to head into the town. Cassian sighed, letting her walk off. 

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