Chapter III

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Sariah quickly stood up, the wind blowing through her hair. Indeed, on the horizon was a silhouette of land. Oxi stood up, standing beside her. "We should get down. I'm sure the Captain has orders for me." Oxi sighed, kicking a leg over the side of the ledge. He looked over at Sariah who looked hesitant about leaving. Oxi sighed again, holding his hand out to her. "Come on, I won't let them touch you." He looked so emotionless but kind. She softly smiled, taking his hand. They both climbed down, the Captain observing from the quarter deck. Men scurried around, controlling the sails and getting things ready. Sariah let go of Oxi's hand once they reached the ground. Her eyes wavered over to Cassian, his boots booming. He walked over to the pair, standing as straight as he could be. "Seems like you can calm the storm, Oxi." Cassian joked, seeming amused. "How about you escort her to my quarters, I had garments prepared." He nodded to Oxi, his gaze turning to Sariah. "I hope they're to your liking, Miss Black." He smirked, he turned on his heel. Her heart dropped, how did he know-.."Follow me." Oxi started to walk, leaving her behind. She quickly caught up, shaking her thoughts away. The double doors open, revealing a small office with a plush bed to the right. An outfit laid out on the comforter. Black leather boots, trousers, a white shirt covered with a black leather jacket that would look like a dress from behind, topped off with a belt. "I'll leave ya to it." Oxi stepped back as Sariah stepped inside. The doors closed behind him, leaving her alone. She looked around the room, taking in her surroundings.

A few minutes later, the doors opened back up. Revealing the new Sariah, dressed in what she was given, a blonde braid draped over her shoulder. She looked exactly like a pirate....more than she wanted to realize, probably on purpose...*wink*. She walked out, passing by crew members. She stopped at the start of the bowsprit, the front of the ship, watching the waves. The wind blew past her, the sun setting behind the waters, casting a warm orange glow. They were nearing the docks. Mohan called out orders, ordering people around. The boat rocked as it stopped right at the dock. Ropes tied together, anker lowered, and a wooden walkway to get off the boat. Sariah stepped onto the dock, taking in the...awful smell. "Ugh.." Sariah held in a gag. "Do they ever take showers?" She thought, the stench catching up with her. "I was beginning to think you went overboard." A teasing voice sounded behind her. She turned, her face immediately turning sour. "Like you said, I don't have much of a choice." Sariah crossed her arms, turning her head to the side. Cassian stepped closer, standing directly in front of her. He loomed over her, taking advantage of the height difference. She side eyed him, raising an eyebrow. "Have you come to boast in my face?" "Now why would I do that?" He smirked, leaning closer. She tilted her head slightly, now turning her head forward. Her expression was so unamused. "What exactly is your plan here? To take me captive for a piece of paper? I told you before, that treasure is not something you want to be finding." She sternly said, poking his chest with her finger. "Then enlighten me, what's so secretive about this treasure?" Cassian asked, lowering his voice so the conversation stayed between the two. Her eyes wavered, making sure nobody was watching. "This treasure is considered a legend, a cursed land carrying something valuable."

An Egyptian king ruled a fair land, sharing his riches with his people. The island, where the kingdom was located, prospered. A happy peaceful life...or that's what they wanted people to think. The king was selfish, sharing nothing but what he thought was necessary. One day, a traveler passed by, asking for a share of riches to show his people back home. The king refused, offended that the traveler would ask such a question. He sent the traveler to death, using him as an example to his people. A crowd formed around to watch the execution. A witch was amongst that same crowd, watching the poor traveler meet his cruel fate. That night, the witch busted her way into the throne room, demanding to see the king. She stood in front of his presence, threatening him that if he continued to be this cruel he would face the consequences. The king laughed in her face, thinking she was outrageous and crazy. She raised her hand and with one snap of her fingers, locusts swarmed into the room. Eating everything in sight. The king watched in horror as his servants and guards were eaten by these creatures. The witch turned to the king. "The riches you hold so dear will be cursed. To anyone who touches this treasure shall perish a horrifying death." Her words spoke truth and power. The king was in a fit of rage, demanding this woman needed to be killed. Before anyone could lay a hand on her, she disappeared. The king could only be left with what he thought was his. 

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