Chapter XIII

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Sariah pushed through bushes, stopping at the entrance of the...abandoned town? Just up on the mountain was a pyramid. "The third trial.." She looked around, the streets empty and broken. If she could remember correctly, the third trial consisted of...

Just then a sword sheathed, stopping her in her tracks. It was pointed right at her. She looked up, seeing the person on the other side. "Looks like you're all alone." The woman smirked. She had short red hair, a tattoo on her right arm. Sariah gulped watching as other men surrounded her.

At the lifeboats, Cassian helped out with getting things settled. "She's been gone for a while now." Commented Arien, scooting up beside Cassian. "So?" He raised an eyebrow. "Sooo, shouldn't you check on her?" Arien tilted his head slightly. "She wants to be left alone, clearly." Cassian brushed him off, walking off. Arien followed behind, sighing. "Pardon my words, but...are you stupid?!" Arien raised his voice a bit. "She was mad at you for something. You need to figure out what that is and make it right." Cassian looked over at him. "She wouldn't listen anyways. Right now we just need to focus on completing these trials." He brushed him off again, walking away. Arien sighed, crossing his arms. "He's never gonna learn." He shook his head. Cassian walked over to Mohan. "Have you seen Sariah?" He asked, looking where he last saw her. "I believe she went to explore the town nearby." Mohan responded, pointing to the clearing. "A town?" Cassian turned his head, spotting the entrance.

A horn blared loudly, jerking his head. A ship approached, waving the red flag. "The Crimson." Cassian growled, his hand resting on his gun. Men approached them, pointing their swords. They were outnumbered, but that wouldn't stop the famous Hornwood crew. Cassian drew his sword, the other following. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." A voice sounded behind them. He looked behind him, his heart skipping a beat. "Unhand her, Ayla!" His eyes narrowed, turning to face the Crimson Captain. Sariah was bound by rope, her hands tied up. "Now now, no need to be so feisty." Ayla smirked. "She is perfectly fine. Isn't that right?" She asked in a baby tone, squishing Sariah's cheeks. Sariah jerked her head away, glaring at the Captain. "Put down the swords and I won't let my men slice you into a million pieces." Ayla stood tall and proud, a sword in her other hand. Cassian dropped his sword, reluctantly. "Sir..-" Mohan started. "Put the weapons down!" Ordered Cassian, sounding annoyed. Alya's smirk never wavered, seeming amused. "Tie them up." She nodded her head to her second in command, Kyro. Kyro and the other men took the rope, tying each member up. "Bring them and the girl, we have much to discuss." She ordered her men, turning on her heels.

They returned back to the Crimson's ship. The Hornwood crew sat on the main deck tied to the main mast. Cassian was sat beside Sariah, tying them together. "Are you okay? Did they hurt you in any way?" Cassian asked, turning his head over his shoulder. She struggled to get her hands free. "I'm fine." She huffed, giving up. "What is your problem lately? You've been acting all...moody." Cassian asked. Sariah scoffed, clearly offended. "Moody? That's what you call it?" She shook her head. "I mean not moody, just...I don't know." Cassian stumbled over his words. "Just what?" Sariah asked angrily. Cassian sighed, looking back forward. "You want to know why I'm so moody? Well for starters, I'm stuck here with you. Being held captive is such a blast." She said sarcastically. "Second, I have been stuck on a stupid boat with smelly men. Third, I am losing my mind over this stupid treasure that I still don't understand why you want to look for it. Fourth, I'm mad that you kissed me that night and never spoke of anything about it! Did it mean nothing to you?!" She blurted everything out. Cassian blinked a few times, unsure of how to process all she just said. Mostly because she was talking so fast out of a fit of rage. "I-..uh.." He cleared his throat. "So yes, I'm mad at you." She spoke with a huff.

"Enough chatting!" Barked Kyro as Alya stepped out of her quarters. "Bring me the Captain and the girl." She ordered, waiting. Kyro cut the rope, dragging the two. Alya stepped in after the three, walking over to her desk. Kyro left the room, closing the doors. "Tell me as to why your crew is here?" Alya asked Cassian, resting her elbows on the desk. She rested her chin in the palm of her hands. "I think you know why." He crossed his arms, his eyes narrowing at her. She chuckled. "Just like old times." She smirked. She stood up, walking over to Sariah. She quickly confiscated her bag. "Hey!" She reached for her bag, only to be met with a slap on her wrist. She jerked her hand back, rubbing the place. "How did you get these?" Alya asked, dumping out the diary pages. "By completing the first trial." Sariah informed her. Alya's eyes caught the attention of the necklace that hung around her neck. "That necklace...did you steal that?" She asked, reaching for it. Sariah stepped back. "It was my mothers." She held onto it, looking at Alya confused. "Was her name Monica, by chance?" Alya looked up at Sariah's eyes. " did you kno-.." "She was my sister." Alya interrupted her. Her eyes teared up a bit, recognizing a few features of Sariah. "I thought you looked familiar." Alya smiled.

Sariah blinked a few times. "You're my aunt? I heard tales about the daring two. I didn't realize it was the stories of you and my mother." Sariah started to softly laugh, piecing things together. "Wait a moment, what are you doing here?" Sariah asked. "Me and my crew protect the treasure that lies in the pyramid. That's why we have been following you." Alya looked over at Cassian. Cassian scoffed. "I was wondering why I heard so much about you." Alya smirked at his comment. "Missed me already?" She remarked. Cassian rolled his eyes. "How could I forget the one who cursed me in the first place?" He glared. "Ah, that's why you have a blood descendant." Alya tilted her head slightly. "I hate to break it to you too, but I'm not letting you step foot near that treasure." She became serious, standing up straight while crossing her arms. "We came all this way, many men have lost their lives because of this." Sariah exclaimed. "I'm sorry, but it is too dangerous. I can't let you two ruin your own lives for trying to locate the treasure. It's cursed for a reason." Alya was stubborn. Sariah sighed. "I think that's our decision to make, not you." Cassian crossed his arms. "I'm simply warning you. I have vowed to protect this treasure from pirates like you who dare to find this place." She stepped from behind her desk. "And I won't let you touch it." Her voice lowered, their glares could kill each other if it was possible. "That's enough." Sariah butted in, stepping between them. "We'll rethink our decisions and get back to you." Sariah suggested, facing her aunt. Alya sighed, turning back to her desk. "Fine, but I will expect an answer by tomorrow morning." Alya leaned up against her desk, calling for Kyro. "Free the prisoners, and keep them on the main deck. I don't want them out of our sight." She ordered as Kyro stepped back into the room. Kyro nodded, escorting the two back outside. 

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