Chapter XXII

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The morning approached, the sun hitting Sariah's golden hair as she stood on her balcony. She held Oxi's dagger close to her heart, a determined look on her face. The wind blew through her hair, her eyes shining brightly. She watched as the carriage arrived for her and her father. He was taking her to the trial today. The whole town gathered for this. Sariah stepped away from her balcony heading downstairs.

She approached her father outside, tucking a loose strand behind her ear. She wore a red dress, showing off her figure in a way. She held her fan in her hand, fanning herself as the day was muggy. "Ready to go?" Her father asked, opening the carriage door. Sariah nodded, giving him a smile. She stepped into the carriage, her father getting in behind her. They sat across from each other. The carriage took off down the hill towards the town square. "Are you charging these pirates for kidnapping?" Sariah asked, wanting to be informed. "Yes, but they have other charges. I mean they're pirates for heaven sakes!" He chuckled. "Yet they didn't kill me. I mean the Captain promised to bring me back home. Isn't that something?" Sariah wanted to reason with him. "Are you suggesting I let these men go simply because of a promise? What kind of General would I be?" He scoffed. Sariah looked down at her hands, fiddling with her fan. Her father sighed. "Don't tell me that you have grown fond of these pirates? I understand your mother was one, but I worked too hard for you to live in this society." Her father was a strict sort of man, but loving. "Apologies father, I was just-.." "Just what?" He cut her off. "I know you are not about to tell me how you'd rather live out on the sea." The General scoffed.

"I wasn't. I was trying to simply explain to you how these men are innocent. They may be pirates but they didn't murder or steal anything." Sariah looked up at her father. "Well they may have stolen a few things, but that's besides the point." She shook her head. "Nonsense! They are pirates and will always be filthy, greedy, selfish pirates. And I don't want you filling your head up with this rubbish." He angrily opened the carriage door as the carriage arrived at town square. Sariah's eyes narrowed as she watched him leave. She clenched her jaw, stepped out. The sun shone brightly. People gathered around to see the hanging of these pirates. They had nothing better to do.

Sariah stood up at the box stand with her father. She fanned herself, watching as they brought out the accused. A hooded figure caught Sariah's eye as they walked through the crowd. "Here g4elies the infamous Cassian Rover." The pope yelled out amongst the crowd. All heads turned to Cassian who stood on the gallows. A noose hung on his neck. "Any last words, pirate." The words were spat out, the pope's eyes narrowing. Cassian glared, looking out at the crowd. "For the last time, it's Captain." Cassian corrected, eyes wavering back to the pope. "Hang him." The pope raised his hand as the executioner pulled onto the lever.

The board from underneath Cassian dropped, dropping him with it. Just then gasps and screams filled the crowd as a blade was thrown, cutting the rope. "Who dares-.." The General was astonished, rising from his seat. His head turned seeing as his daughter wasn't beside him anymore. Heads turned when Sariah stood with the hooded figure. It was Oxi, he managed to escape the cells. Sariah noticed the side of his face when he was walking through the crowd, making the decision to join him. That blade that was thrown was her own. Cassian looked up as he had just fallen. "Arrest them!" The General commanded, ordering his men. The soldiers drew their swords. The rest of the Hornwood crew revealed themselves in the crowd, lifting their hoods. Sariah held a sword to the side, watching the soldiers. A fight broke out, civilians running for their lives. A soldier lunged at Cassian to detain him. Cassian quickly grabbed the dagger that Sariah threw on the wooden board behind him. He blocked the blow, kicking the soldier away. Sariah blocked a strike, slicing through the soldier. Her head turned, catching Cassian's eyes. Their eyes met amongst the crowd, sending shockwaves through them. Mohan tossed a sword to Cassian, breaking eye contact. "The ship is waiting at the docks." He informed his Captain. Cassian nodded. "Get the rest of the crew safely to the ship." He spoke firmly, blocking another strike.

Sariah was backed into a corner, two men closing in on her. They smirked, about to detain her when Alya showed up once again saving the day. The men backed off. Alya turned to her niece. "Thank you." Sariah nodded. Alya wrapped her arm around her. "My ship is waiting at the docks if you change your mind." She said, giving her a squeeze. "And... I want to say I'm sorry for the harsh words I gave you. Not really kind of a long lost aunt to say those things." She softly chuckled. Sariah smiled. "I forgive you, even if I'm still mad." She teased. Alya squeezed her one more time. "Well, if you'll excuse me. I have some unfinished business with your father." She winked before walking off. Sariah continued her way through the soldiers.

Alya stepped forward, bringing attention to herself as the General's head turned. "Well well, if it isn't my sister in law." His voice rang. Alya glared. "I'm here to settle something for my sister." She drew her sword, her eyes glowed a fire in them. "I hope you don't take this personally." She smirked, the two lunging at each other. 

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