Chapter II

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The dagger was held against his neck, Sariah right on top of him. She rolled her eyes at his comment. "What? You thought this would be easy?" She scoffed, shaking her head. "Those words never left my lips, now did they?" He tilted his head to the side, that cocky grin still on his face. "I'm sure you had thoughts." She looked down at him. "Thoughts indeed." He looked her up and down. She scoffed again, clearly offended. "You are one desperate pirate." The dagger was removed from his throat as she sat up. "Desperate, or simply lonely?" He remarked, sitting up along with her. He leaned on his arms, still laying down on the ground. "Either way, you still look sad." She raised an eyebrow, rolling her eyes again. He chuckled, finding her amusing. "Quite the charmer." He teased, his hand slowly reaching for the dagger she had a death grip on. "If you want charm, I'd be happy to show you." She looked over at him, a slight smirk on her lips. "Oh, enlighten me." His voice lowered to a seductive tone. He was laying it on a bit too thick. "Well, for starters..." She leaned closer, his fingers intertwining with hers. Her grip tightened as his fingers tried menerving to the leather handle. "I'd have to bat my eyelashes, give the man a gentle smile. Let him know I'm interested in what he's saying." She fluttered her lashes, their faces inches apart. "Let's not forget.....this!" She yanked her hand away, kneeing him in the stomach. She rolled off him, running to the door. He groaned in pain, his hand rubbed the spot where she kneed him. He clenched his jaw, scrambling to his feet. The wooden boards creaked as each of their steps sounded through the walls. She ran towards the stairs, climbing up to the main deck. She was met with faces staring back at her, as the sun shone brightly in her face. She squinted, raising her hand to cover her face from the sun. She heard yelling from behind her. Her head turned, the Captain right on her tail. Her feet carried her to the edge of the ship, grabbing a rope. She climbed up on the edge, looking down at the rough sea. "Someone stop her!" A voice rang out, causing heads to jerk. She looked behind her, seeing the Captain. His face back to its cold stern self again. Her heart raced from adrenalin, her grip tightening around the rope. A determined look covered her face, jumping off the side. She swung onto the shrouds, climbing up to the crow's nest. The Captain sighed, resting a hand on his hip. Oxi, the first mate, was already up in the nest. It was his 'thinking' spot, at least that's what the crew said. Which meant...OFF LIMITS.

A hand grabbed onto the ledge, pulling herself up. She climbed into the small little 'nest'. She looked down, noticing nobody was coming after her. Have they given up? Surely not. She stepped back, bumping into something, or someone. A hand placed on her shoulder, causing her to gasp, turning around. "You must be the new cargo I've heard about." Oxi spoke, crossing his arms. He doesn't take lightly to guests, especially when they are not supposed to be where they shouldn't be. "Is that what your Captain has been saying?" She raised an eyebrow, scoffing. "Captain Rover? No, just heard the crew talkin'." He shrugged. "Is that the Captain's name? Rover?" She tilted her head slightly, seeming to piece things together. "Captain Cassian Rover is his full name." Oxi informed her. Seemed familiar, she thought. "And who might you be?" She asked, looking back at him. "Oxi." He stretched out his hand to greet her. "Sariah, Sariah Black." She introduced herself as well, shaking his hand. "I don't suppose you mind if I stay here for a moment? The Captain is being....rude." She shuddered as the wind blew past them. "Usually I would mind, but since you are a special guest....I guess you can." His lips formed a straight line, sitting back down on the other side. She sat down as well, across from him. "Where exactly is this ship heading to?" She asked with a sigh, looking up at the clouds passing over their heads. "To Tarlo, it's a small port where we get some of our supplies from when traveling." "Tarlo? As in the place where most pirates get drunk and find most of their men?" She raised an eyebrow, seeming familiar with the area. She used to hear stories and of course her father's travels there. Oxi shrugged. "You can say that, I was putting it simply. But you summed it up." He leaned his head against the wall. A moment of silence had passed between the two. Surprisingly she felt comfortable with him, and he felt comfortable in her presence as well. It's like they had an understanding, despite Oxi being a loner. Sariah opened her mouth to say something when she was interrupted by a bell. "Land Ahoy!" 

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