Chapter XXI

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She watched as her friends were taken down by her own father. Sariah was taken into her own quarters, providing her with clean attire. The Crimson ship and the Hornwood ship was taken over by the Royal Navy, navigating back to the main port. The ships sailed through the waters, approaching the ports. Sariah stayed in her little quarters, unsure of how she should proceed. Her heart was telling her one thing, her mind saying another. It was like she was trying to reason with herself. She looked down at the outfit she was just wearing, then her eyes wavered down to the dress she put on. The dagger Oxi left her caught her eye. She picked it up, watching as the light hit the blade. She looked up from it, eyeing down the door. Footsteps came closer to the door. A knock echoed through the small room. "Miss Black, your father wishes to see you as we have approached the main docks." A man informed her. "I'll be right there!" She spoke, putting down the dagger. She looked back down at the clothes on the bed before heading out the door.

Sariah steps onto the main deck, meeting her father. The General turned, greeting his daughter. "Welcome home." He said, the sun setting behind the water created a golden glow. She turned her head, her eyes setting on the town. Everything looked brand new. Different from the night she was taken. It had been at least two months since she was last here. Now she was home, like she wanted. But something was missing..

They lowered the walking board, stepping onto the dock. Her dress swayed behind her as the wind blew. Her eyes caught the familiar ship being docked nearby. Sariah felt a weird feeling in her stomach as she watched the soldiers take the pirates off the ship. They were cuffed, being sent to prison for treason. She stepped forward, wanting to intervene but her father stopped her. "We must return you home. Those filthy pirates will be sentenced in the morning." He said, leading the way to the carriage waiting for them. Sariah's eyes never faltered from the pirates, catching eyes with Cassian. She turned away, feeling guilty. She followed her father, stepping into the carriage.

The carriage pulled into the mansion, dropping off the pair. Sariah looked up at the house having memories flood her brain of that night. She shook her head, putting them away. She walked inside, immediately greeted by her servant. "Miss Black! I'm so glad you're alright!" She hugged Sariah. Sariah smiled. "I'm glad to be back." She let go. "Miss Beth, please escort Sariah to her room. I have matters to attend to." Mr. Black said, nodding to the maid. "Yes, sir." Beth guided Sariah to her room up the stairs.

Later that night, the double doors that led to the balcony of Sariah's room were left open. The curtains swayed in the cool breeze. The moon shone on a figure fleeing away from the mansion. Sariah was dressed in all black, a hood and a mask hiding her identity. The torch light luminated the cell walls. Cassian sat on the wooden bed, leaning up against the wall. A guard banged on the cell door, making Cassian jerk. His eyes narrowed at the prison guard, following his movements as he walked off. A cool breeze swept into the room, sending a shiver down Cassian's spine. "Pssst.." A voice whispered out to him. Cassian's head turned back to the door. "Cassian." The voice called out again. Cassian stepped off the bed, walking closer to the door. "Hello?" He called out, taking one step closer. A black figure emerged, making Cassian jump. A slight holler escaped his mouth. "Shhh! It's just me!" Sariah said, taking down her mask.

"Gosh! What is wrong with you?!" Cassian had his hand over his heart. It raced rapidly. "Sorry." She awkwardly shrugged. Cassian sighed, stepping closer again. Their eyes met through the bars. "Have you come to rescue me?" He asked, his fingers wrapping around the bars. Sariah placed her hand on top of one of his hands. "I wanted to make sure you were alright." She spoke softly. "I'm fine, the others are down the hall. Apparently, I'm special to get my own cell." Cassian rolled his eyes. "You'll be going on trial tomorrow." She informed him, her eyes shooting a worried glance at him. Cassian sighed, his free hand reaching through to cup her cheek. "I'm aware." His fingers brushed against her skin. "I promise I'll get you all out of here. I-..." She was cut off by footsteps down the hall. Her head turned, watching as the shadow approached closer. Sariah looked back at Cassian, blue meeting gold. "Go. We'll be fine." Cassian said, leaning in to kiss her one last time. Their lips touched, meeting in a quick soft kiss. "Now go." Cassian whispered, as the footsteps grew louder. Sariah kissed him again before running off. Cassian's eyes watched her fleeing figure, his heart beating rapidly again. But not because of fear, but because of hope.

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