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It is believed to be the strongest emotion a being can experience.

It is powerful and can withstand terrible evil.

There is not only one type of love; there are many beautiful forms which we come across throughout our mortal lives: friendship, family, your one true love.

The only way you can live a fulfilled life is to be surrounded by those whom you love and those who return those feelings.

However, as strong as it is, it can be just as fragile. Sometimes even more so.

It can be there one minute and destroyed in the next.

To not be loved by someone - to be neglected - can be one of the worst things that can happen to a person.

Without love, people turn bitter. Their lives become centered around the gift of love that others possess. They begin to envy those and jealousy can take root in their hearts, blackening their souls.

This darkness leads them to do terrible, treacherous things, things which are forbidden.

This darkness can easily consume those who do not have people to guide them away from such mistakes.

This temptation can override anything and has the power to destroy anything.

Even love.

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