The Witch (Chapter 3)

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I stood in the dark waiting for my carriage to come and pick me up. There was a rustling in the bushes behind me. I stood where I was and didn't move. Maybe I had just imagined it. Mother always laughed at how easily distracted I was.

However, this time it was not simply a figment of my imagination. Another crack of a twig caught my attention.

I could hear my heart beating wildly in my chest as I silently pleaded for the noise to go away. Hopefully it was just a wild deer grazing in the nearby woods.

There were a lot of wild animals which lived in the close vicinity of our home so I was used to hearing the howls at night. But these noises were too close and I was beginning to feel extremely uncomfortable.


This time I heard it from right behind me. In a flash I turned around and I saw someone flee. They moved too fast and I was in too much shock. All I could see was a blur.

They looked fairly stocky, definitely male but I hadn't been able to make out any features as their back had already been turned to me.

I hadn't seen their face. But if I had what good would that have done. They must have been one of the nearby townsfolk asking for money.

I had no change on me but I would have tried to have helped them had them stayed.

However, one of the details that I had saw was the glistening of metal. Could have been a farmer with a spade?

I looker to the ground and saw that they had left a thick rope behind. I slowly walked forward to pick it up. I thought it might give me some clues as to who it was. But before I could get close enough I heard the sound of horses hoofs clicking along the pebbled road. My carriage had arrived. Damn. I wanted to see whether they had left any other clues behind. As my carriage slowly approached I could see that the man driving the carriage was not one of the men who usually took me. He sneered at me and gave out his hand.

"My, my, what do we have here? A pretty little maiden outside all by herself? You know it's bad to be outdoors at this time of night..."

He smiled and I could see his that his teeth were slowly rotting away. A foul stench emanated from him and I had to cover my nose to try and mask the purid stench. Normally, my mother would hire someone of better standards to take me to places. Obviously not tonight...

"Are you my driver?"

"Why of course my lady, why would you ever think differently?"

Well, if he claimed to be my driver then I guess I'll have to get in. It's not like I have any other choice. I walked away from him with my head held high and pulled myself into the small room at the back. It was different to how I remembered it... The seats were usually lavishly clothed in silk, whereas in this one the seats were wooden and stiff. The cushions weren't there either, instead I'm pretty sure mould had replaced it. Suddenly the carriage came to a halt and I came to the conclusion that this was not my carriage. I felt the whole thing shiftd slightly and I knew that the driver had gotten off. I heard the door creak open and there and then I feared for my life more than ever before. Once the door was fully open I saw that he was standing there with the same smirk as I saw earlier. He reached out towards me and I shrank back as ar as the walls would let me.

"Now, now. Don't think that wall is moving any futher because, young lady, you are coming with me."

He grabbed me by my hair and hauled me out. In the process I squirmed and screamed. Harsh insults left my mouth cursing this son of man.

"You can scream all you like honey, but no one's coming to get you."

He dragged me out of the carriage and held me tightly with a strand of my hair. My surroundings were not familiar and I culdn't see much anways as it was pretty much pitch black. I started to feel tears well up in my eyes and I wondered why I had been cursed to end up this way. Didn't my mother take any caution as to who drove me? He dragged me futher and futher until I could hear leaves being cruched with every step he took. I had no idea where he was taking me. If I was going to die tonight, then I was going to die fighting. I tensed my whole body and then went limp hoping that he thought that I'd fainted as he had pulled me along. From fright maybe? I dont't know, just for him to believe it. I made myself fall to the ground and felt the mud seep in through my dress. Those stains would never come out... If I even survived this... Thankfully he believed that I'd fainted and knelt down next to me muttering something about how much more work he thought this was than originally planned. When he was right down next to me I pulled him down sharply and got myself off the floor before he could grab me. As I started to run I could hear him close behind. As I ran I could hear my dress being ripped on the branches of the out cropping bushes. Thorns scratched my face and I knew that once I was out of here there would be a lot of wounds to take care of. Once I thought I was safe I stopped running to take a short break. I suddenly felt a hand wrap tightly around my wrist.

"You didn't think that you'd be abe to run away that easily did you?"

In response to that I screamed and ripped his hand from my wrist. We circled each other warily. Never breaking eye contact. For the third time tonight I feared for my life.


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