The Witch (Chapter 18)

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Natalia’s POV:

Amelia stood in front of me and put her helmet on a pushed the face flap down all the way so that I couldn’t see her face anymore.

“Bring it on!”

I laughed and put my helmet on too. I lunged straight at her but she clumsily blocked herself with the sword. I turned the blocked against her and hooked my sword into the hilt of the sword. I used this to my advantage. I threw the sword behind me and kicked her in the stomach. She fell to the ground with a squeal and scrambled about, not knowing what to do. I placed my foot onto her stomach (lightly) and threw my hands into the air to signify my victory.

“Please can you get off me?”

She sounded like a little mouse she was so scared. I tried not to laugh and instead took my foot off her and gave her my hand to help her up. She took it and I pulled her up. That was probably the easiest fight I have ever had in my entire life! It hardly even lasted a minute before I had her to my mercy. She probably knew that now.

This was not going to be easy.

I lifted up my helmet and told her,

“You’ve got a lot to work on.”

She started to speak but I held up a finger for her to stop and listen.

“You need to learn how to block properly and like I said you need to build up your strength as you are pretty weak at the moment. As you could see I easily beat you. So you are going to need a lot of training.”

She took off her helmet and chucked it to the ground. She didn’t look too happy and I know my comments didn’t make her feel any better, but there was no other way of telling her.

To put it lightly, she sucked.

I felt a little bit of sympathy for her, but what could she expect? Not everyone was good on their first go. If she was going to be learning from me she’s going to have to man up.

“You will not act like a little pansy whilst I am teaching you. You need to man up and take all the blows I give you. You never know, you might need this sort of skill one day and if you give up now how much do you think you’ll regret it?”

She mumbled something under her breath and angled her head so that it was facing the floor. She was looking really pathetic now.

“I’m sorry. What was that?!”

She was starting to annoy me now. But no matter what I’m going to help her learn because if not then what use is there with me even being here?

I know deep down that she wants to learn. But if she wants to learn then she needs to stop being lazy and take what is being given to her.

“I will regret it so bad.”

She lifted her head up and stared defiantly at me. Good, she was finally standing up for herself.

“Now what do you want me to do?”

She cocked her head to one side and put her hand onto her hip. She shouldn’t have said that.

“Okay then. I want you down on the floor and for you to give me two hundred sit ups.”

She stared at me in shock, all confidence gone.

“What are you waiting for? Come on!”

She slowly went down onto the floor and started doing sit ups. I stood there and counted.

She was taking forever with her sit ups! I’d been standing here for ages counting and she hadn’t even reaching fifty yet!

“Come on! Hurry up! You can go faster than that! You and I both know it!”

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