The Witch (Chapter 14)

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Natalia’s Flashback:

I ran forward and fell onto my knees, what am I supposed to do! I was about to wipe away the hair from his forehead when he slowly opened his eyes. His eyes were a warm shade of brown and he had quite short brown hair. He was taller than me by quite a fair bit, about a head taller. His face was in proportion and he was like no one I had seen before. I’d known him for years and he’d never paid much attention to me. To be honest I think he only thought of me as a sister, he was very good friends with my brother. I’d known him ever since I was born and Nathaniel and Ethan had both been inseparable ever since they were born. Guess it was the whole ’Brother from another mother situation’. He had a speciality for Air like me too, we sometimes train with each other and he helps me with the harder spells. He was stronger than me by a fair bit but I’m sure one day I’ll be stronger than him. We’ll have to see... He seemed as if he were still in a daze and he lifted his hand up to my cheek to stroke it, but he suddenly stopped as if he found out what he was doing. I quickly looked away and felt heat slowly rise up to my cheeks, I know that I’m blushing like mad now. Which is just perfect as we are in broad sunlight, brilliant, just brilliant. He slowly came to his senses and his eyes slowly filled with fierce protectiveness, not a surprise as I’m like his sister.

“What in the world were you doing?! You could’ve killed yourself! You know you’re not strong enough to handle that amount of power! How did you even manage to control that amount of air?!”

I lowered my head and in a quiet voice I replied.

“I asked Nathanialaria for help and she gave it to me...”

His face immediately softened as he heard what I said. He slowly stood up and so did I. He ran his hand shakily through his hair, getting rid of the hair which had fallen into his eyes.

“Umm... I came here to tell you to get ready as your ceremony should be starting soon...”

“Oh, umm... Thanks... I guess we’ve got to go...”


We slowly walked down the hill and every once and so often are arms would brush against each other. It sent little tingles down my arms and I felt like I was going insane! Finally we neared our village and I saw my house in the distance. My house was on the edge of the village and was the nearest one to the hill. It wasn’t too small and was big enough for our family. Granny lived in our house because it was easier for her to stay in our house rather than her having to live all alone in her own house. No one minded as we were all pretty close. Practically everyone knew everyone in the village.

“It’s okay I can take it from here, my house is right there.”

“No, your father specially told me to make sure I take you to your house.”

Why is my dad so protective of me?! I always have to be protected by someone at all times! The time where I was up at the hill was one of my sacred moments where no one is there to look after and baby sit me. I nodded and we continued to walk. When we neared my house I could already smell the incense, my mum and granny would probably use lots of potions on me to not only make me smell nice but to also prepare for the ceremony. We were right by my front door now and he turned around.

“Umm... I guess that’s it... I’ll see you at the ceremony.... Good luck...”

He smiled and walked away I wanted to stop him but all I could do was wave and smile back. Once he was out of view I stepped into my house and was overwhelmed by the smell of incense. I was attacked by my mum as she pulled me into her arms for a huge hug. She smelt of her usual mix of herbs and her hair bombarded my face leaving me blind, literally. My mum had a small build and had long brown hair which was pulled back into a long and elegant braid. She had a big gem hung on her throat, it was a turquoise gem and it gave good luck, love, protection and healing. My mum got it when she had her ceremony; it’s tradition to be given a gem or stone with good qualities from your family members. She was wearing one of her best dresses and it was very pretty. It was a light blue which stood for health, healing, tranquillity, understanding and softness. It showed that she was extremely happy that I was finally coming of age and that she wanted to make sure that everything went well for me. It smelt like she was wearing Dianthus caryophyllus as her perfume to give Protection; Strength; Health and Healing; Energy; Power; Magical Power; Blessing. This would help her a lot in the ceremony and would also, if directed well, would be able to protect me and bless me.

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