The Witch (Chapter 17)

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Amelia's POV:

This is not going to go well... I looked down at Amy and then to my mother again. I opened my mouth to speak to her but no words came out. I tried again but the same happened. It was like my voice had betrayed me and ran off.

It frustrated me and I couldn’t help it when silent tears ran down my face. Everything was going wrong, Natalia had betrayed me by leaving me here alone with no explanation to tell my mother.

My mother’s eye softened as she saw my tears hit the floor making small silent splashes. Tiny puddles were left on the ground. And the light from the sun made them glisten making my anger build up.

My hands started shaking and I knew that soon I would go over the edge and something bad would happen. My mother put her hand onto my shoulder and I slowly calmed down.

"I just want to know what’s going on."

My mother’s calm voice made me think and I took a deep breath. My nerves slowly settled and I let out the breath.

I turned around and my mother gave me a small smile. I sniffled and laughed, wiping the tears away from my eyes. My mother joined in with my laughs and she gave me a big cuddle. It was good to be held by my mother and all my fears and worries vanished.

When we parted my mother held my cheek and asked,

"So, what happened and why is she here?"

I looked down, worried about what to tell her. Lie, or tell the truth. If she knew the truth then I’d have to be sent to the King for aiding a witch. Then I’d be dead or worse, tortured!

I made my decision. I looked up at my mother and told her,

"On my way home I saw her on the side of the road and told her to come in. Then I invited her into the house because she had nowhere to go."

My mother opened her mouth to speak but I interrupted her because I already knew her question.

"I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want to wake you up."

My mother nodded as if understanding me and just to play the dumb card to make sure she didn’t doubt my explanation I asked,

"Where did she go when she hit Amy? She just suddenly disappeared!"

My mother looked at me in the eyes as if she was looking into my mind scouring over my thoughts to see if I was acting or if I actually really were that dumb.

She took a breath as if she had made her decision.

"What do you mean? She never disappeared!"

She spoke in a confused voice and it really did make me confused. This was not what I was expecting. I thought she’d shout at me for lying right to her face! She normally is very good at telling whether I'm lying.

Did she not see what had happened? Was I going crazy or is she just blind!

My mother laughed and asked me in a voice like she was talking to an idiot.

"Are you okay? Are you seeing things? Do you need to rest?"

I looked at her weirdly and asked her in the same tone.

"Are you sure you're not the one who needs to have a rest mother?"

She giggled like a little child which was really weird and creepy. My mother never, NEVER giggles. It's just not right! She slapped my arm playfully and said in a childish voice,

"No silly! I'm perfectly fine!"

She walked out of the room giggling like mad. What a weirdo! I looked back down at Amy and she was still unconscious. I walked out of my room and there was a guard standing there and once he saw me come out I asked him,

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