The Witch (Chapter 19)

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Amelia’s POV:

My head hurt and my pillow was all sticky from the tears I had recklessly let go last night. What was my mother going to think?

Why do I have to go?


That’s the only question I want to ask.

He certainly doesn’t like me. So what possibly could he want from me, humiliation? Why?! It’s like he wants to torture me even further.

I rolled over onto my side and slowly opened my eyes. The light streaming in from my window blinded my eyes and I quickly covered them. It must’ve been about midday, I had slept for ages!

I retreated back under the covers and hid my head under them too.

I wonder whether Natalia is in here.

I popped my head from out under the covers and saw that Natalia wasn’t there. The bed was neatly folded and her pyjamas which she had borrowed from me were on the bed neatly folded as well.

Hmm, she must’ve left to have breakfast... That’s if she woke up not that long ago...

 I rubbed my eyes and stifled a yawn. Wow, crying takes a lot out of you...

I seem to be doing that a lot lately... Crying...

Well I definitely know who’s to blame for that. The great prince Simon.

Crying in my definition is no way near fun. It is the worst thing a person can go through. Your face scrunches up and your entire face morphs into some sort of weird blob.

In no way is crying attractive...

Yep. That is the truth.

I bet that my face is all teary and red and blotchy...

Great... Not.

Anyway who do I need to impress? No one. Wait no; I get to impress the prince! Yay me! Oh the joy... Full on sarcasm there...

I really am not in a good mood today. Well at least I can be sure that it’s not going to get any better, especially when I have to be around the prince for dinner! And I get to be in his quarters! Oooh I’m sooooo excited!


This day is going to be the worst I’ve ever experienced.

I slowly got out of the bed but gave up when my muscles literally screamed at me to stop moving them. And I’ve got Natalia to blame for that. I laid back onto my bed to try and stop the pain.

Not only am I in pain mentally, I am now in pain physically! Whoop-de-doo!

Prince Simon really has made me sarcastic! I don’t think I’ve ever used so much sarcasm in my entire life!

I slowly rolled over onto my back and I opened my eyes. The ceiling stared back down at me. The intricate patterns which could cause even the most talented artists to gasp.

Well maybe not the most talented but the people who know a lot about art would.

An idea popped into my head and I rolled over and over until.


I landed on the floor and my giggles echoed around the entire room. My stomach protested but I couldn’t help it.

I rolled over onto my side to try and help the pain but it just made me laugh even more. Tears filled my eyes and I went into hysterics. My laughter sounding like a witch cackling!

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